Saturday, June 25, 2016



Have you ever dampened someone’s hope, confidence or enthusiasm by raising objections to his proposed action?  Teachers have dashed the dreams of students who had mediocre grades or other shortcomings.

Discouragement has wreaked havoc for ages. Consider the Israelites and their quest for the Promise Land. Right at the brink of reaching their destination, Moses sent Joshua and Caleb along with ten other leaders on a 40 day exploration of Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey that God had promised them. There they saw everything in extreme abundance. Not only were the fruits in abundance, it took two men to carry a cluster of grapes. They also found giant-size men. They reported back to Moses and the multitude, Joshua and Caleb encouraged the Israelites to proceed to conquer the land. Their cohorts, however had a different perspective. READ NUMBERS 13:31-33

Despite all of the miracles that they had witnessed God perform on their behalf, the multitude believed the discouraging report.

The ten scouts were struck dead with a plague for spreading discouraging reports. God also forced the ENTIRE multitude to turn back to wander in the wilderness for 40 years.  Further God forbade all of those, except Joshua and Caleb, from entering the Promised Land. The discouraging words of ten men caused thousands of men and women to miss their inheritance.

What about you? When you see others faced with negative circumstances, do you lose hope in their ability to succeed? Can you listen to someone’s dreams and plans without making disheartening remarks?

Even if you cannot envision the dreams of another, at least agree to stand in faith with them for God’s perfect will to be done regarding the proposed endeavor. Think of the people who have encouraged you during your lifetime and what a positive effect their words had on you. This world is overflowing with negativity everywhere you look. Everyone needs a little encouragement from time to time. Make a conscious effort to always speak sincere words of affirmation, support and inspiration to those within your circle of concern

Words of encouragement can make winners out of people who maybe have thought they were failures. Woe unto us when we have the power to speak words of motivation and hope but choose rather to destroy a person’s confidence and dreams with discouraging words.

If you are confronted by a discourager, do not let him derail your destiny. Very graciously let them know your eyes are fixed on God, who specializes in doing the impossible. Better yet, be highly selective of those with who you share your dreams.

Encourage others on a daily basis by:

          Taking authority over your own negativity so it does not impact others.

          Listen to the plans of others with genuine interest

          Share faith-building Scripture verse with them

          Agree in prayer with them for their success

          Express your confidence in their abilities

          Give sincere and specific compliments

          Reiterate your love and support


PROVERBS 12:25  1 THESSALONIANS 5:14       ACTS 15:32

1)               Are you words as refreshing as the rain or are they more like a wet blanket that smothers the hopes of others? Do you make it a habit to given an approving smile to those who are pursuing a certain goal?

2)              What person has been your biggest cheerleader? How have they impacted your life?

3)              Have you ever abandoned a dream or course of action because of someone’s discouraging words, and later regretted your decision to do so?

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