Thursday, June 23, 2016



No matter how well everything is going, most people can find something to express their disapproval, displeasure or dissatisfaction about- be it the weather, the traffic, the long tines , the cold food, the slow service, the pastor, the church, the boss, the workload, the low pay, the short vacation, inadequate benefits, bad drivers, rising prices, the list is endless. It is the nature of man to complain.

It is interesting to note that the list of things we CAN be grateful for is always a lot longer than our complaint list when we make a conscious effort to train our mind to follow the apostle Paul’s admonition in Philippians 4;8: “Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate o these things”.

What about a legitimate complaint?  In the Numbers 12, there were 5 daughters of Zelophehad. Their fathers had died in the wilderness before reaching the Promise Land. Zelophehad did not have any sons to inherit his portion of the land, and the law did not prove for women to receive the son’s portions instead. These daughters did not have any husbands or son’s either, nor any other man in their immediate family. They were left our completely. Rather than complaining to others, they called for a “congressional hearing” and presented their petition for an inheritance to Moses and the leaders. Moses took their case to God, and He agreed with the woman and granted their request.

Now what do you think the outcome would have been had they simply whined to anyone in the multitude who would listen than bringing it to those in authority? I doubt they would have obtained their inheritance.

A legitimate complain can only be resolved if you direct it to the ONE who can CHANGE your situation. Only a fee people who are dissatisfied, annoyed, or upset by an experience actually takes steps to officially complain about it.

The psalmist of Psalm 142:1-2, did not bore, frustrate or waste the time of others with his complaints. He declares “I pour out my complaints before Him”, the one who could bring change. Notwithstanding, even God tires of CONSTANT complaints.

Be aware of how often you complain about nonessentials matters such as a rainy day, traffic jams, boring television programs, lazy coworkers and so on.

Because complaining is contagious, this is hard to cure. If you are a complainer, you must start to resist the constant “ain’t it awful” party. Other will be glad you did and will stop dreading conversations with you. This is not to say you shouldn’t seek an occasional sympathetic ear or wise counsel from a valued source. However, if you are going to ignore their advice and continue to rehearse the problem each time you converse, beware. Thy listeners shall soon become weary of thee! Whenever you feel a complaint coming on, replace it with a t statement of GRATITUDE or a declaration of a Scripture you have personalized.


PHILLIPIANS 2:14  PSALM 50:23  JAMES 5:9      ROMANS 1:21

PSALM 119:108      PSALM 142:1-2

1)               When others complain to you, try countering their negativity by first agreeing with the REALITY of their complaint (if you do indeed agree) and then putting a positive light on it. Practice BEING the light in a dark world. This will prevent you from being sucked in and allows you to begin to model the joy of the Holy Spirit.

2)              Make a commitment to refrain from expressing your displeasure with any situation for a designed period of time- at least 4 to 7 days Keep a log and make a note for each incident in which you were tempted to complain.

3)              What is the one thing you are tempted to complain about the most? To who do you complain? Does this person have the power to solve the problem? Are you refusing to take responsibility or initiative from changing the problematic situation?

4)              Are you complaints USEFUL or USELESS? Useful are those within your circle of influence that you can impact them directly or have access to someone who can. Useless are situations that are simply time-wasters.

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