Thursday, June 9, 2016



Most people do not understand that when they defame the character of another, it diminishes their own character. God hates the slandering tongue and has promised to deal severely with those who engage in such image assassinations

Slanderers make malicious, false or even true statements about others with the intent of damaging their reputation, character or good name. We see this all the time in politics, Slandering is not limited to politicians, Given certain circumstances, anyone can be tempted to denigrate another.

Can you recall a time in which you make detracting remarks about someone? What was your motive in doing so? Why did you feel the need to diminish that person’s character in the eyes of another? Were you speaking out of the pain of being hurt by them? Did you envy their accomplishments? If, so have you not learned how to let your envy motivated you to achieve your own goals rather than cause you to defame another? Is it likely you grudgingly admire and desire something that the other person possesses?

Some people are so insecure and easily threatened that they feel they must cast aspersion on the character of others who, they perceive as “ the competition” in other to maintain their position.

Resorting to slander us clear evidence that one has not embraced certain of God’s promises. Psalms 75: 6-7 states that promotions and exaltations comes from God rather that man. This truth should cause us to be TEAM players. There is no reason for us to try and “snuff out” anybody’s light so that ours will shine. God has declared that no man can thwart His purpose for our lives.

Since God has secured our destiny and has promised to avenge all wrongs perpetrated against us, why engage in slander? When we attempt to defame other with our denigrating words, we are sowing evil seed for which we will surely reap the consequences. “He who guards his mouth preserves his life, but he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction” Proverbs 13:3


PROVERBS 10:18   EPHESIANS 4:31-32      TITUS 2:3

1)               Have you ever initiated or take part in an effort to defame someone’s character? If so, what motivated you to participate in this ungodly act?

2)              In Proverbs 30:10, Solomon warns “Never slander a person to his employer”. If you observe an employee being maligned to his boss, what steps would you take-if any- to set the record straight?

3)              Have you even been slandered? What does 1 Peter 3:15-17 say about how you should respond?

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