Wednesday, June 1, 2016


JUNE 2, 2016    DAY 2


Flattery will get you anything. Or does it?

Can you recall some pick-up lines that men told you in your younger days? (or even older days). According to an internet poll, the most effective pick-up line was “ How does it feel to be the most beautiful woman in the room?”

If I was told that, I knew it was a lie. My beauty is on the inside. Flattery is a lie covered with a “bed of flowery words”.  When people engage in this type of dishonest communication it is usually to gain favor. Now the desire to gain favor is not always something tangible or material. It can be something intangible like being accepted. The flatterer may have a low self-esteem and believe others will like him if he compliments them.’

When you engage in flattery, it shows that one had lack of faith in God’s ability to give him or her favor with other people. Favor is a fringe benefit of being in right standing with God.

There are many instances in the Bible of God giving people favor with men with not effort on their part. Esther was given favor with the king of Persia. Daniel was given favor with one of the king’s officers to allow him and his three friend to have a different meal. Joseph was given favor in Egypt. These people didn’t resort to any form of self-effort to get this gain.

Can you think of a time when you flattered someone by giving an insincere compliment? How did you feel afterwards? Unless you have grown accustom to insincere behavior and become insensitive to the Holy Spirit, flattering someone will most likely cause you to feel you have violated your personal integrity.

Maybe you are a flatterer. If you are, understand that when you are over-complimenting a person, the impact of your words will soon lose power. Sometimes we can be vulnerable to flattery. In times when we feel overlooked, unappreciated, and unattractive or a multitude of other negative emotions that Satan brings.


PROVERBS 29:5              PSALM 12:2-3  1 THESSALONIANS 2:5        PROVERBS 28:23

1)    Have you ever engaged in flattery in order to obtain something? Did you receive it? What do you think would have happened had you not flattered the person? What does your action say about your faith in God’s promise to supply all of your needs?

2)   Read Psalm 5:12. What is the requirement for being surrounded with God’s favor?

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