Saturday, June 11, 2016



In the realm of human relationships, almost everyone will inevitable break his or her commitment to guard the well-being of a person he claims to love or support. Of course, the people we love have the most power to hurt us, and vice versa. Further, we expect others such as bosses, employees, pastors, and so on-based upon the usually supportive nature of the relationship- to always act in your best interest. Betrayals happen in carious degrees and can have a devastating impact.

Betrayal is more blatant act than gossip. A gossip may not necessarily harbor any ill will toward her victim; however, a betrayer divulges information in breach of a confidence. They give information to the “enemy” and commits relational treason by violating the trust someone has placed in him. This ungodly use of the tongue is designed to hurt or disadvantage.

Judas was able to betray Jesus with very little effort because he was so familiar with Him.  Judas used his inside knowledge of Jesus’ habit to hurt Him. Later Judas’ betrayal led to self-loathing that he committed suicide.

 Have you every betrayed someone’ confidence? Why did you do it? What was your payoff? Did you gain some advantage because of it? Were you feeling envious at the time? Was there an unresolved conflict between the two of you? Have you repented for this sin?

Or maybe someone has betrayed your confidence. Were you reaping what you had sown? What valuable lesson did you learn from the incident? Have you released the offender in your heart and no longer desire vengeance? If not, you are still bound to them and they are still controlling your life. LET IT GO!

God saw the betrayal BEFORE it happened and WHILE it was happening. Since He chose not to intervene, accept it as part of His sovereign plan for your life. Learn from the burn, but forgive to live.

Decided today to strive to be a trustworthy person whom others can depend upon to guard their secrets. If you are blessed to have a trustworthy friend, thank God for such a rare jewel.


PROVERBS 11:13   PSALM 7:3-5  PROVERBS 25:9-10

PSALM 55:20-21

1)               Proverbs 11:13 says “ A gossip betrays a confidence but a trustworthy man keeps a secret”. Name three people whom you believe you can trust with a secret. What relationship do you have with them?

2)              What character traits or behaviors have you observed in the people above that caused them to make the list? Which of these traits do you possess?

3)              Write a short prayer asking God to open your eyes to any possible resentment toward another and to close the door to any subtle betrayal.

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