Sunday, June 26, 2016



Doubt is an insidious and persistent enemy of our faith. It is one of Satan’s most effective weapon. No matter what we do, it always manages to find a place in the deep corners of our minds- even if only for a fleeting second. Some have learned to conquer it by forging ahead in spite of its presence and standing on the promise of God. Other heed it and miss their destiny.

If we ever hope to tame a doubting tongue, we must become familiar with the promises of God. Words of doubt come out of an UNBELIEVING heart. Of course, merely knowing the promised of God is not enough; we must become proficient at declaring them. Faith comes by hearing. ROMANS 10:17

The more we declare our unbelief, the more reinforced it becomes. The more we assert our confidence in a positive outcome, the more our faith increases. Because we will believe what we constantly hear, we must take personal responsibility for WHAT we hear.  We may have to limit or eliminate our contact with individuals who ten to express negativity about various outcomes, goals or results we desire.

Often our words of doubt originate out of our tendency to act in self-confidence. Self-confidence is a concept touted by the world that tells us we must rely on our own skills and abilities. When we face a challenge and quickly assess our OWN ability to conquer it, we will most likely come up short and doubt.

If the spirit of unbelief plagues you, get a good study Bible and search the Scriptures for verses relating to your areas of concern. Write it down. Meditate on it, often. Memorize it.

What do you find yourself speaking about in a doubtful way? Is it a task for which you feel inadequate? A situation at work? The hopeless of forging an amicable relationship with a difficult person? Perhaps you have even resorted to being a Doubting Thomas, who only believe that he could touch.

God’s children are to live by FAITH, IN GOD. We cannot afford to live in the realm of what we can see and touch. Our doubts can deter our destiny.

Our attitudes and conversations will change when we face the reality that apart from God WE CAN DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Decide today to skip the skepticism, doubt the doubts and believe the best.


HEBREW 11:6     JEREMIAH 32:27       EPHESIANS 3:20-21

JAMES 1:6-8

1)              What had been the biggest hurdle you have overcome in unbelief in a particular area? What did you do to achieve your victory?

2)             Matthew 21:22 says “ All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive”. What need are you having difficulty putting into the “whatsoever” category? Why? Could it be that you are exalting the problem about the power of God?

3)             Many times godly people have doubts but have learned how to run to God for assurance and strength. Read the story of King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20. What was his first reaction (verse 3) when he learned that three strong armies were coming against him and his people?  What two things did he do next? Do you regularly employ these strategies?

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