Wednesday, June 22, 2016



Obscenities, vulgarity, cursing and using profanity all fall into the same category of behavior that emanates from conditions of the heart. Engaged in by Christians and non-Christians alike, this crude use of the tongue is an affront to out Heavenly Father. It is a learned behavior that must be rooted out and brought under submission to the Holy Spirit.

James 3:10 says ‘Out of the same mouth proceed blessings and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so”

Using profane, obscene or vulgar language is UNBECOMING to a child of God. People use profanity for various reasons. First, they often lack the adequate vocabulary with which to express themselves and therefore feel they must curse for their words to have impact. Those who are challenged in this area must Strat to develop a communication style that is direct, clear and without hostility. Secondly, some people resort to profanity to release their extreme frustration with a situation. They have developed an ungodly pattern of expressing their displeasure and need to retrain their responses. They would do well to decide in advance upon some alternated words to use when they find themselves reaching the peak of frustration.

Profane words should not come out of your mouth, if you are a child of God. However often time we may find ourselves THINKING, though NOT SAYING, them on many occasions. Like when we stub our toe, break something of value, spill a drink, have an encounter with an extremely difficult person or confront any other frustrating situation. This too should cause the Holy Spirit to trouble our spirit. We need to pray that the Lord would take all those words out of our heart and replace them with His expressions.  Thank Him in advance for purging you of profanity and for allowing the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart be acceptable in His sight.

Understand that profanity resides in the heart helps us to reject the idea that a curse word “just slipped out” of our mouth. The reality is that it slipped out of the heart.

Remember that words are verbal thoughts. We must practice the mental discipline of casting down profane thoughts and using words that bring life to our innermost being and to others.


James 3:8-10        Ephesians 5:4-5  Leviticus 19:12     Psalm 34:13

1)               Read Luke 6:45. What does it say about the real source of evil speaking? Meditate on this for a few minutes.

2)              Read Mark 14:66-72. What was Peter’s emotional state that resorted him to cursing (fearful, angry…)

3)              Do people honor you for not using profanity in your presence? Or are you the one making the apology for such language.

4)              If profanity just seem to “slip” from you lips, write out a prayer decreeing your deliverance. Include Psalm 39:1 as part of your declaration of freedom.

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