Monday, June 20, 2016



There is a difference between making judgments and being judgmental. We all must make practical judgments on a daily basis regarding what is best for our lives and those for whom we are responsible. On a spiritual level, we must discern and judge what we feel is from the Holy Spirit and what is not.

We become judgmental when we conclude that other people are wrong, unspiritual or inferior in some manner because they do not embrace the judgments we would make ourselves. Being judgmental is contrary to the will of God.

Judgmental people engage in critical, faultfinding assessment of another person’ behavior. What is amazing is that they judge others by their actions but judge themselves by their intentions. If someone’s behavior does not reflect a choice or decision we would have made, we judge it as wrong.

There are some people who pass judgement on others based solely upon rumors they may have heard that may not have any truth to it. Benjamin Franklin, said I will speak ill of no man, not even in the matter of truth, but rather excuse the faults I hear and upon proper occasion, speak all he good I know to everybody.

His philosophy follows the age old parental advise “ if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. We must be careful how we discuss others.

Read Matthew 7:3-5. Jesus based His judgment of people’s behavior on nothing other than God’s standard. This is the only base from which we can righteously judge. We would do well to focus more on judge ourselves than hunting for a speck in the matter of others.

Pray for those whom you observe walking contrary to God’s standards, but avoid judgment. If have a genuine concern for someone and have earned the right to address his or her behavior, then do so in the spirt of love. Remember that you earn the right by consistently demonstrating your care and support.


MATTHEW 7:1-2 ROMANS 2:1       JAMES 4:12 PROVERBS 25:12     PROVERBS 25:8

1)              Have you ever make a judgment about someone , only to discover you were wrong in your assessment because you were not aware of all the facts?

2)             Who is the most judgmental person in your life? What does he or she do to show disapproval of your choices? How has this impacted how you judge others.

3)             Ask the Holy Spirit to take away all judgmental thinking and to give you a heart of love and acceptance. Know that acceptance of person does not mean acceptance of their sin.

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