Wednesday, June 29, 2016



After the greet flood that destroyed most of the earth, Noah planed a vineyard. One day he got carried away and drank too much wine. His son Ham discovered him in his tent, drunk and naked. (GENESIS 9:22) Exercising more discretion than Ham, his brothers would not even look on their father, but backed into the tent and covered him with a garment. Their discretion was a sign of their maturity.

Discretion in speech is a key indicator of spiritual and emotional maturity. Saying what is appropriate and necessary in a particular situation reflects a person’s wisdom in restraining his tongue.

One who is discreet shows prudence and wise self-restraint in speech and behavior, and always reap a positive consequence. Indirection can be costly. Some subject matters should simply be off limits for discussion. You would be wise to never discuss your salary or bonus, especially with another company personnel. Your sex life should also be off limits as an item of discussion with a non-counseling outsider.

Ham’s indiscretion proved costly for him. When Noah sobered up, he realized his shame and was sobered up, he realized his shame and was sorely displeased with the manner in which Ham had handled the situation. Noah cursed him and doomed his descendants to slavery.

Have you ever found out something about a leader or other prominent person and could NOT refrain from telling someone? If God has trusted you enough to reveal someone’s NAKEDNESS or SIN, have you ever considered that you were NOT to “see” and “tell” BUT rather to cover that nakedness with discretion and intercession?

This nakedness could be family, friends, coworkers and even church members.  At times you may be called to even confront the individual regarding their wrongdoing, just as Nathan confronted David for his adultery with Bathsheba and murder of her husband.

Whatever God mandates, do it HIS WAY. A public revelation is not always necessary as it can cause irreparable damage to the body of Christ. The punishment is God’s business.

If you are called to confront, do so with love and compassion. NO ONE is PERFECT. Remember that.  God may someday show someone YOUR nakedness. Pray that it will be handled with wisdom. Plant the seed of discretion not.


PROVERBS 25:11   PROVERBS 5:1-2   PROVERBS 16:22


1)               “Never make light of the king, even in your thoughts. And don’t make fun of a rich man either. A little bird may tell them what you have said”. ECCELESIATES 10:20. Never underestimate the co-workers who is looking for an opportunity to ingratiate themselves with the higher-ups. Have you even been indiscreet in making comments about a superior and suffered the consequences?

2)              What was the most indiscreet conversation you have ever had, and what did you learn as a result?

3)              Have you suffered any negative consequences as a result of someone else’s indiscreet words?

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