Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World WEEK 2 PART 1

“Martha, Martha”, the Lord answered. “you are worried and upset about many things.”
                                      LUKE 10:14 

Statistics say that one in four of us meet or will meet the criteria for anxiety disorder at some point in your life.  Over half of us are considered chronic worriers.

This is not something that is new. It has been going on for thousands of years. All the way back to the Garden of Eden. Once we realized there was evil in the world, worrying and fear leads to the curse of anxiety.

Some people are born worriers. Some people probably have a parent or grandparent that is one. What about you? Has worry become a dominating factor in your life. Let’s take a look..


o   You find you spend much more time in useless non-constructive worry that other people you know.

o   People around you comment on how much of a worrier you are.

o   You feel that it is bad luck or tempting fate not to worry.

o   Worry interferes with your work, you miss opportunities, fail to make decision, perform at lower than optimal level.

o   Worry interferes with your close relationships- your spouse and/or friends sometimes complain that your worrying is a drain on their energy and patience.

o   You know that many of your worries are unrealistic or exaggerated, yet you cannot seem to control them.

o   Sometimes you feel overwhelmed by worry and even experience physical symptoms such as rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, dizziness, or trembling.

o   You feel a chronic need for reassurance even when everything is fine.

o   You feel an exaggerated fear of certain situations that other people see to handle with little difficulty.

o   You parents or grandparents were known as great worriers, or they suffered from an anxiety disorder.
Someone once said that worrying was like being in a rocking chair.  It's a lot of work, but it will get you nowhere"

READ PSALM 139:23-24

So what do we worry about?

o   40% are things that will never happen

o   30% are about the past-which can’t be changed

o   12% are about criticism by others, mostly untrue

o   10% are about health, which gets worse with stress

o   8% are about real problems that can be solved.

So if my math is correct, that adds up to 100%, which means worrying is ALWAYS a waste of time. I have this saying when it comes to worrying: “Do what you can do to prevent what you are worrying about then leave the rest to God”.

We that are in the medical know the effects that worrying can have on someone not only emotionally but physically. It affects our circulation, the function of our glands, our nervous system and can have a profound effects on the heart. It also weakens our immune system. Sometime is can continue and lead to panic attacks, agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorders. You are probably thinking of some-one just like that right now. God did not design us to have worry or fear.

The Bible tells many times not to worry or fear. In fact “Fear not” in some form is in the Bible 365 times. One for every day. If you are a worrier, It might be a good idea to make your own daily Bible Verse with these. Worry and or anxiety is in the New Testament about 25 times.

Why is the Bible so adamant about our avoiding fear and worry? Because God knows worry short-circuits our relationship with him. It fixes our eyes on our situation rather than on our Savior. As we are not showing our trust in our Lord.

Worry can become a habit, even a way of life. When that happens it’s not easy to let go of it. At times people can be slightly neurotic. Worry does not prevent bad things from happening. It is a waste of energy and can prevent us from leading the full live God intends us to live.

You might even think it could be toxic worry.  “ Unchecked worry seeps into our thoughts, poisoning our joy, convincing us to give up on solutions before we’ve even tried them.”

My grandmother was a worrier and my mother is one too, even in her condition now. But my grandmother would always say “ I am not worrying I am just concerned.”  So what is the difference?

CONCERN involves a legitimate threat.  WORRY is often unfounded
CONCERN is specific (one thing) .       WORRY is generalized (spread to many things)
CONCERN addresses the problem       WORRY obsesses about the problem
CONCERN solves problems               WORRY creates more problems.
CONCERN looks to God for answer.    WORRY looks to self or other people for answers.


It is ok to have concern, in fact there is probable some every day. But instead of fretting about it, or worrying about it, we need to focus on what we can do and what we should leave up to God to handle. We need to remind ourselves of who God is and what He can do. 

Three things in this verse will help us overcome worry, if we only do it. 1) Be ANXIOUS about NOTHING 2) Be PRAYERFUL about EVERYTHING. 3) Be THANKFUL for ALL THINGS!

When we give thanks it has the power to change our attitude.  


10) Separate toxic worry from genuine concern. Determine if you can do anything about your situation.-PROVERBS 16:3
9) Don’t worry alone. Share your concern with a friend.-PROVERBS 27:9
8) Take care of your physical body. Regular exercise and adequate rest.- 1 CORINTHIANS 6:19-20
7) Do what is right. A guilty conscience can cause more anxiety than world of problems.- ACTS 24:16
6) Look on the bright side. Focus on the good and positive.-EPHESIANS 4:29
5) Control your imagination. Be realistic about the problems your face. – ISAIAH 35: 3-4
4) Prepare for the unexpected. Put aside some cash. – PROVERBS 21:20
3) Trust God. Keep reminding yourself to put God in the equation. – PSALM 112:7
2) Mediate on God’s promises. Scripture has the power to transform our minds.- 2 PETER 1:4
1) PRAY!!!! And sing “ O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer”  (One of my favorites) – COLOSSIAN 4:2

“I sought the LORD and he answered me, he delivered me from ALL my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame” PSALM 34:4-5  


"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayers and petition, with thanksgiving, present you request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."


·         Read Luke 8:14. List three things that may choke the Word of God out of our lives. Which one do you struggle with most?

·         What do the following passages tell us to do with our worries and concerns and what will be the result. Proverb 3:5-6 Philippians 4:6-7

·         Rewrite Matthew 6:25-30 as if God were speaking to you directly.
According to 1 John 4:16-18, how can we respond to God’s love and what will happen to fear when we do.


Those with books read chapters 3 & 4 this week.

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