Thursday, February 25, 2016



The Better Part

We all have responsibilities, important things that need our attention. But we have to be careful with our “load” or our hearts and minds can be consumed with the task of doing them. Instead of centering ourselves in Christ and letting the other things in our life fall in place around Christ, our attention will be shifted to one of those things on our “to-do” list, one after another and we become frantic.

It is too easy to forget that while there is time for work, there is also time to worship. I am not talking about Sunday church service. I am talking about daily. It’s worship when we spend time with God.

We all have been guilty of giving our Lord a “quickie” moment, that don’t last more than a minute or two. Like Martha we welcome Him with a quick hello and then go about with what we think need to get done. It is so easy to lose our focus in live, to lose our center. Life wants to pull our eyes away from God, whether it’s temptation, worrying or busyness.

We may try to rationalize and say that we don’t have the time to spend with God BUT the rougher the day is, the more time we need to spend.


If we wait to find that “extra” time in our day, it probably won’t happen. Just like any appointment or meeting you have, you need to schedule it.

Daily quiet time alone with God will keep us centered. In order for this to work you first have to be WILLING to make the time, if you EVER what to experience the “BETTER PART.”

Remember the video of the jar being full. This lesson is that the BIG rocks has to go in first. These BIG Rocks are the most important things to you. If you don’t do it FIRST, there will never get in the jar. (Never be done)


The Lord is saying “Take care of My business and I will take care of yours”. Mark room in your heart for God and He will make room for everything else.

Sometimes people don’t want to give God that much time/room. Because in doing so, it will change a person. Some just want enough of God to be happy and/or for the time being.  BUT that is NOT what God wants nor is it how He works. He will woo us and pursue us, but he will NEVER push Himself on us. And when we just want “enough to just make us happy” we are saying “no” to God.

When it comes to our relationship with God, we are as intimate with Him as we choose to be. If there are limitations of God’s presence in our lives, we are the ones that put those “limitations” there. We love to give excuse and excuses is from the Satan. Whatever keep us from spending regular time with God, it is sin.  Generally the definition of sin is “separation from God” and when we don’t spend quality time with God, it is considered “separation” from Him.

So no matter how important the activities may be, no matter how good it seems, if you use it as an excuse from spending time with God, it is sin.

Have you ever been spiritually drained? Did you know that you can be spiritually drained and not even be aware. How you ask? Because we are too BUSY!!!

We sometime have to slow down in order to take a “spiritual inventory” and see where we stand with God. Sometimes we need to see just how “empty” we are before we are willing to be filled.  It kind of like dehydration. We can easily become mildly dehydrated. For example, when we are outside doing some form an activity. We get so into that activity we forget to hydrate ourselves. If we continue that way we will become sick physically and it can be serious if it extreme dehydration. Just like our time with God. Jesus is our living water that hydrates us.  We can be so involved with our activities that we don’t hydrate our soul with the “living water” and eventually it can make us spiritually sick. In both examples the initial warnings of symptoms can be over-shadowed by our focus on the activity, so we don’t heed to these warnings.

I like my drinking glass full. Usually when it is half full, I want it filled up before I drink again. When you are at a restaurant, how do you fill when the waitress/waiter fails to keep your glass full?  We cannot be filled if we only met with God when we feel like it or for a minute or two.

God is a slow pourer. J

We have to make the time for the “Better Part” daily. And furthermore, the “Better Part” is not out there somewhere. It is INSIDE us where Christ lives by His Holy Spirit.

There are three simple truths that can make a difference.

1)    Consistency

2)  Creativity

3)  Conversation

If we want to be an accomplished Christian, we want to know God in all His fullness. So we practice “consistency” It doesn’t matter the time of day. It’s not important when we choose to meet with God. What matters is that we show up regularly. Consistency doesn’t mean perfections, it is simply refusing to give up.

Be creative with how you want to spend time with God. You have a better change of sticking to the quiet time, when you have an interest as well.

Some examples:

1)    Coffee time with God. Go to a cafĂ©’. McDonald’s or a quiet place at your home (porch) Take your Bible, notebook, and coffee.

2)  Besides your Bible, choose another books to read on Christian living.

3)  Take a walk with God. Praise him for the things you see on your walk,

4) Listen to Christian music, and sing as if no one was listening.

5) Listen to sermons and messages from Christian leaders

6) Journaling- Record your thoughts as you meditate on scripture. Write love notes to the Lord. Prayer request.

7) Do a Bible Study.  It will take you beyond just reading God’s Word.

8) Find a Bible translation you understand but also occasionally read from other translations.

9)  Memorize Scripture

10) Spend half-day in prayer. Not impossible but set aside a large portions of your day to spend with the Lord. You will be amazed.


“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”


1)    We live with so much less that God intended us to have. Ask God to illuminate your understanding as your read Paul’s prayers for believers in Ephesians 3:16-19. Then list three truths from this passage you’d like God to make real in your life.

2)  How does Matthew 6:33 relate to the video with the jar being filled with big rocks first? Give example of a time you found this principle true in your life.

3)  Explain how the following Bible characters chose to put God first despite overwhelming emotions or circumstances: DAVID (2 Samuel 12:13-23) DANIEL (Daniel 6:3-10) JESUS (Matthew 26:36-39)

4) Meditate on the following passages: Psalm 139, Isaiah 55, Roman 8, 1 Corinthians 13, Ephesians 4, James 1

5) Which one of the above passages speaks to you the most?


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