Thursday, February 11, 2016



The book tells a story about God asking a man to carry a wagon with three stones in it to the top of a hill.  The road would take him through the woods and up the road that winds up the side of the mountain. God told him that when he reached the top, just leave it there. The man was so happy to be doing something for Lord and thought this would not be hard. God thanked him for his willingness to help then the man began his journey.

It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the temperature was perfect. Soon he came to a village where everyone greeted him and asked him where he was headed. He explained that he was carrying the three stones up to the top of the mountain for the Lord. Then one man asked if he could take his rock up there. Told the man that he had prayed about how he was going to get it to the top and God had answered his prayers. So the man agreed thinking that it would be alright. So they put the rock in the wagon with the three stones and the man when on his way

He noticed that the wagon was a heavier it would ok. God would be happy that he was helping someone. He began to sing hymns of praises as he traveled. Around the bend was another village, where the man had a friend. He offered him a refreshing drink and inquired about his journey. He told his friend what the Lord had asked of him. His friend ask if he could carry a bag of pebbles up as well. He just didn’t have time. So the man agreed for after all it was just pebbles. So they load the bag of pebbles in the wagon with the rock and 3 stones.

Now he was starting up an incline. He could feel the weight of the wagon and its load. But all along he was thinking how proud God would be for him for being so willing and helpful to others. One stop after another the wagon got fuller and fuller. The man was no longer singing praises, no longer energetic. In fact some resentment was beginning to build up inside.  This was not what he signed up for. God had given him a burden heavier than he could bear.

He was having so much trouble with the wagon. The sun was too hot and his shoulders were hurting from the weight of the wagon along with the wagon lurching from the load. He finally had enough. “God can’t expect me to haul this all the way to the top”. He feel to his knees in exhaustion and began to pray. “God this it too hard for me. I am overcome by the heaviness of it”. God showed up and asked him what the problem is. The man said “You gave me a job that is too hard for me” God walked over to wagon and picked up the bag of pebbles and asked “What is this?” The man explained as God continued to unload the wagon until there was just the three stones.

God said “If you will be content to let others take their own burdens, I will help you with your task.” The man told God that he promised those people he would help them. God said “Let other shoulder their own belonging. I know you were trying to help, but when you are weighed down with all these cares, you cannot do what I asked of you.” The man got up asked “You mean I only have to take the three stones after all?”  “That is what I asked of you. I will never ask you to carry more than I will give you the strength to bear” said God.

The man said “I can do that” and off he went with the wagon and the three stones, leaving the rest of the burden on the side of the road. Again a song filled his heart and he began to sing hymns of praise and with great joy he reached the top.

Nothing is harder to bear than a burden we are not called to carry. While God does ask us to bear one another burdens, he has not asked us to step in and do what people are not doing for themselves. There are many needs, but God has not asked us to meet everyone’s.  In fact, like Martha, we may be surprised by how little God actually requires of us.

The day of Jesus’ visit was probably busier than usual. They Feast of the Tabernacle was near and the house would have be filled with al lot of preparation and cooking. The feast lasted for 7 days. It was held in the fall and was one of 3 feast that every adult male was required to celebrate. The people left their homes and lived in make-shift homes of tents and booths in memory of their time in the wilderness.

So when Jesus and his disciples came, Martha extended her hospitality and wanted to make everything perfect. She never thought of joining Jesus and the other men, because it simply wasn’t allowed. But she shown her devotion by the gift of service. Martha soon discovered that her “wagon” was getting too heavy. Just like ours does when we add our human agendas and expectations to it.


Jesus told Martha “but only one thing is needed.” Is it cooking, cleaning or doing good works? No. The “one thing” is knowing God. I didn’t say know OF God, but to know God on a personal more intimate way.

Did Martha do this “one thing?” We don’t know, in fact we don’t what happened after that conversation. Mary might have gotten up and helped Martha. Surely she overheard the conversation. Maybe Martha sat at Jesus’s feet as well. So why do you think the story ended this way?

What would you do when told you’ve missed out on “the best” God has for us? Will you bow you knees or will we run back to do what we were doing? Will we have excuses or humble hearts?


So often we give the gift we think he needs rather than take the time to find out what He desires. We make promises, New Year’s Resolutions, reading the Bible in a year, join a prayer group or start one, join a Bible study or start one , to be more loving and less selfish, wanting opportunities to serve, visit the sick and home bounded people and the list could go on. But is that what God wants YOU to do.

Contrary to popular belief, WE CAN NOT DO IT ALL. That is the problem.  In fact, we are NOT supposed to even try. In Romans 12, Paul tells us about us being the body of Christ and as members we each have a different gift to use for God’s purpose for others. It is said that 20% of the Church (Church with a capital C means all Christians) does 80% of the work. That is not what God intended. We must take time to sit at Jesus’ feet, to worship Him and to getting to know Him better.

When we put God first in our life, then God will smile and will reveal our part in His will.  You may have a burden for a certain need or project, but God may not be calling you to do it. Pray about it and pray for the right person to accomplish it .If it is for someone else and we take on this task, it can be a struggle and we just took that blessing away from them.

So this “one thing”, how do we obtain it?

1)    Invite Jesus to rule and reign in your life. Each morning invite God to come take a part of your day. Tell Him your plans and ask for His wisdom and guidance

2)  Ask god to reveal the next step. As you go through your day, keep asking the Lord what is the next “one thing” that you need to do next.

3)  Have faith that what needs to get done will get done. Do what you can do. Then trust that what was not done was either unimportant or it is being taken care of by God.

4) Be open to the Spirit’s leading. Even if you day is interrupted by divine appointments, instead of resisting the interruptions, flow with the “one day” as God brings it across your path.



If we could just know what God expects of us, then it would be easy to please Him. Service is good, but it was NEVER meant to be our first priority.  We are called to intimacy with God. The “one thing” Martha needed is the “one thing” we need as well.


“If any of you lack wisdom, he should ask God, who give generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” JAMES 1:5


1.     Do you ever feel driven, perfectionistic, inner Martha Stewart coming out?  List the ways.

2.   Take a look in your wagon. What are you carrying? Stones? Rock? Pebbles? Make a list and label them stone, rock or pebbles. Which one did God ask you to carry?

3.  Often the thing that weighs us down most is the feeling that we must bear the weight alone, that it is all up to us. What do we learn from the following verses: Psalm 46:1, Psalm 68:19, Isaiah 41:10, 1 Peter 5:7

4.  READ Luke 18:18-25. What qualifications did the rich young ruler give for entering the kingdom of God? What is the “one thing” this young man lacked?

5.  READ Titus 2:11-12. It tells of the grace of God does in our lives. List these things.

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