Friday, February 19, 2016




Christians are sometimes known to be the best workers because of their honest and trustworthiness. Christian actually have many identifying marks. What are some of yours?

Off all the identifying marks of a Christian what you would think is the one that “gives us away”?  It’s love. Jesus said that love would be what showed others that we are Christians. READ JOHN 13:35.

This love that Jesus is talking about is called AGAPE. The types of love that most people think is NOT me a mark that made us Christians. Agape is the Christians’ signature. It is UNCONDITIONAL love. NEVER-ENDING not matter what happens kind of love..
The “feel good” kind of love ( phileo ) isn’t enough. We need a love that loves us in spite of and because of . A love in spite of rejection, hardship, persecutions and sins, we love. This is how God loves us and He wants us to share it to others both in words and in service.

Have you ever been to a foot washing? Some people get “grossed” out if they have to touch another person’s feet. Some feet are not so pretty. It is a very humbling service. Not only to wash someone feet but to have yours done as well. Jesus washed His disciple’s feet. That was a service of agape love. This service that Jesus provided was not expected and it simply wasn’t even done back in those days, not even by slaves. When Jesus finished, He invited the disciples to do the same.

This “Kitchen service” is NOT optional for Christians. We are supposed to spend a good part of our time following our Lord’s example. We are supposed to serve others and show love to them. When we do, we are representing Jesus to those we serve and to the world. But the bad thing is, we as Christian neglect to reach out to others around us.

Mahatma Gandhi once said “If Christians lived according to their faith, there would be no more Hindus left in India”. THINK about that statement. We should all say “OUCH”. We may talk the talk but we don’t walk the walk. Maybe that is why some people don’t like Christians.

You might think we shouldn’t put our faith in people, but whether we like it or not, we the only Jesus some people will every see. (What kind of Jesus are you showing people?)

Dwight Moody said “ Of one hundred men, one will read the Bible, the ninety-nine will read the Christian”. If your life was a book, what would it be? Fact or Fiction?

Paul, encouraged people to imitate him because he was following the example of Jesus Christ. They didn’t have the New Testament back in those early days of Christianity. Paul would write and tell the churches that they are the “letter of Christ” “written not in ink but with the Spirit of the Living God, not on tablets of stones but on tables of human hearts”


Think of all the people that see you every day. There are some that you don’t even notice. They are “reading” you. We are supposed to be God’s love letter to the world. Are we showing this love?

Another thing about “Kitchen service”. I am going to put a plug in here for Walk to Emmaus. If you have never been on it, I strongly suggest that you look into it. There would will find the AGAPE love in abundance.  And if you have been on the walk, I strongly suggest that you work a walk. Be a servant. It will give you so much joy.


We all have hear the saying that people will know you by the fruit you bear. You also identify a tree by the fruit it bears. It isn’t enough to call ourselves Christians, READ MATTHEW 7:21.

“Apple trees bear apples. Plum trees bear plums. If we call ourselves Christians, then our lives should be UNMISTAKBLY and OBVIOUSLY Christ-like.”

We have three areas where we bear fruits.

1)   Fruits of our lips          HEBREWS 13:15

2) Fruits of our deeds      COLOSSIANS 1:10

3) Fruits of our attitudes   GALATIANS 5:22-23

In order to produce these kind of fruits, we have to be connected to “THE VINE”. You get connected to the vine the right way, then the fruit will appear. It just happens.

“As we abide in the intimate relationship with Christ, (This week Part 1 or Chapter 5) something miraculous happens. We begin loving as we never loved before. Our lives change and we become examples worth imitating”

Now let look back at the story. When Jesus rebuked Martha, he wasn’t rebuking her service. He rebuked her attitude. She had allowed the service she was providing to irritate, agitate and absorb her.

“Service without spirituality is exhausting and hopeless. But in the same respect, spirituality without service is barren and selfish. We need to unite the two and do it all “as unto the Lord.”

To be part of “God’s kitchen service” you have to find opportunities while “you are on your way.” Look at the web site Random Acts of Kindness. That will give you some ideas.

·       Jesus ministered as he went on his way.

·       Jesus ministered as he went out of his way.

·       Jesus ministered in all kinds of ways.

Going beyond the call of duty is what God wants of us. Remember the story of the Good Samaritan? Be that Samaritan.


We know that love hurts. It always hurts. But if you really love one another, you will not be able to avoid making sacrifices for others. When was the last time you made a loving sacrifice for someone outside of your family, co-workers and friends?

A true passion for God will naturally result in compassion for people. We can’t love God without also be willing to love his children – even when they’re less than lovable. “Red, yellow black or white, they are precious in His sight.”




1) Ask yourself these questions: Am I serving to impress anyone? Am I serving to receive external rewards? Is my service affected by moods and whims (my own as well as others)? Am I using this service to feel good about myself? Am I using my service to muffle God’s voice demanding I change?

2) Who was the first Christian in your live to live a way that you could clearly see Jesus? How did this person affect your life?

3) READ JOHN 13:1-17 When Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, it was a totally unexpected example of what true Christian love looks like. Why was it shocking? Write down the negative things that come to your mind if you had to wash someone’s feet.

4) What did Jesus say was the purpose behind the act and what reward did He promise to those who embraced this teaching?

5) READ 1 CORINTHAINS 13:4-7. Write down the qualities of love. Make a list of the key relationships in your life and list the quality or qualities you need to work on with that person.

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