Friday, February 26, 2016




READ JOHN 11:1-44

Here we read the story of Lazarus. We all are familiar with it. Can you imagine how Mary and Martha must have felt when their brother got so seriously ill and then died? Even after they requested their friend, Jesus’ help?

We don’t know the details of his illness, but it was obvious it was serious. And it’s obvious that Lazarus was dear to Jesus. See verse 3. They had a close relationship. This relationship was probably not just with Lazarus but with Mary and Martha as well.

Whey they sent for Jesus, they knew he would come. They knew who He was and the power that he had..

So when Jesus got the news, what did He say? (Verse 4). Notice he didn’t stop at this sickness will not END in death. “It is for the Glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” Lazarus would live.

Yes Lazarus would live, in the END. This process could have been very simple like just speaking the words. But no,, God had other plans for Lazarus and his sisters.

Somewhere between Lazarus’ illness and his resurrection are lessons for us to learn.

Lesson 1: God’s Will does not always proceed in a straight line.

What this means is that we will not always see a clear connection between “point A and point B”. Read Romans 8:28

It’s God’s purpose, not ours, that must prevail. He is concerned not only with each one of our needs but with the need of “The Church” as well. God will weave our lives together to form His master plan. NOTHING is wasted and NOTHING is left out.

Our story matters to Jesus, just as Mary, Martha and Lazarus mattered. But He sees the big picture. God always had a plan. It may not follow human logic. In fact often it seems to go in the opposite direction what we believe about God.

When bad things happen , we may find it hard to handle because we don’t know what to do when God doesn’t do what we’ve been taught to expect him to do, or when he doesn’t act the way we think he should..

So why would Jesus allow sorrow to come to this family he loved so much?

Just as why does God heal some people and not others? There are no easy answers and we may never know the purpose behind our pain until we see Jesus face to face, if then. He does promise “ He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old older of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:4

And I personally think that since there will be no pain in heaven, neither will there be any recollection of the pain we have her on earth.

Trials are real and bad things happen to good people and bad people. Just because were a Christians doesn’t mean we escape “life”.

Back to Lazarus, You would think that Jesus would stop everything he was going to go to his sick friend, but he delayed for another 2 days.

Since we know the story, we know WHY he delayed. But what do you think Mary and Martha thought during that time? And what about his disciples? In fact, by the time he left, Lazarus would have already been dead.

What about us, in our life? What do we do when God “tarries” or doesn’t move the way we want? This leads to lesson 2.

LESSON 2: God’s love sometimes tarries for our good and His Glory.

We may never fully understand why God’s love sometimes tarries, we can rest assured that God’s love is always at work. He may not (more than likely not) move according to our schedule, but he is right on time for what is best. This reminds me of one of my favorite songs I sing at church. So I am inserting it here for your listening pleasure. And not it’s not me singing. J

LESSON 3: God’s ways are not our ways, but his character is still dependable.

In other words, we don’t need to worry, even when it looks like our hope is gone. We might not be able to see the end of the story but we can trust the writer.

When going hard times and you are struggling, remind yourself that God IS your STRENGHT.  He is our source of comfort. He will not us fall. He loves us and wants the best for us.

Martha Tennison said “We only trust people we know. If you are struggling to trust God, it may be because you don’t really know God.”

Do you wonder what Mary and Martha felt when they got the word from Jesus by the messenger and there was no Jesus? They should have trusted Jesus when he said “This sickness will not end in death”. But again maybe Lazarus may have already died they got the message.

Remember God’s ways are not our ways.

The story of Lazarus tells us that a delay in an answer is not a sign of God’s indifference or his failure to hear. It is a sign of His love. The delay will help up. It will make us stronger. I don’t know about any of ya”ll but I think God is planning for me to compete in weight lifting or something.

Read the following scriptures and see other alternatives Jesus had taken to heal. MATTHEW 8:5-13, MARK 7:24-30.

Four days late may have made Jesus late for a healing, but it made him right on time for a resurrection.

There are times in our life when God write an end to a chapter of our life. We say goodbye to something or someone that has been important to us. Endings are inevitable. However sometimes we fight against the ending like Peter did. READ MATTHEW 16:21-23. Peter didn’t want to hear it. When we try to “breathe” life into something God has an end for. We become a stumbling block for God.

Do you ever find yourself becoming a stumbling block for God when he is writing an end and we don’t want to hear it?

It is hard to relinquish control of those situations. God is infinitely kind and patient with us and He will should us how to relinquish our rights for His best.

1)    Ask God to may you willing. Willing to surrender control to Him. Sometimes we have to pray for a changed attitude first.

2)   Recognize you have an adversary. Yep that’s Satan. The last thing Satan wants is for you to totally surrender your life to God. Pray for wisdom & strength not to listen to Satan’s lies.

3)   Let go one piece at a time. Sometime we cling on to control because we fear we will be asked to make a change that we are not ready for. But God will take us at a pace we can handle.


Back to Lazarus again. After Lazarus died, people probably came my Mary and Martha’s home with their condolences. Just like they do now. This would mean that Martha once again had a houseful of company. When she heard that Jesus was coming, she didn’t wait for Him to get to the house. She met him on the road. She left all her guest, Nothing mattered now except seeing Jesus. She has changed..

When she got to Jesus she said something remarkable. See verse 22. “But I KNOW that even now God will give you whatever you ask.” She was saying “Thy will be done”

Jesus response. “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” Verses 25-26


LESSON 4 : God’s plan is released when we believe and obey.

We are important parts of God’s story. Our choices play a part in the unfolding of the plot. Faith and obedience go hand in hand. It takes faith to choose obedience. It takes obedience to choose faith when you’re shaking in fear. But when God speaks a promise to our hearts we can take him at his word.

Martha had faith for what could have been. Read verse 21

Martha had faith for what would be. Read verse 24

What Martha needed was faith for what was going to happened. Read verse 40.

Jesus still ask us this same question. “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you would see the glory of God?

LESSON 5: The “end” is never the end; it is only the beginning.

When Jesus came late to Bethany, his lateness was an act of love. A gift of perspective. A foreshadowing meant as a mercy, not only for Mary, Martha and Lazarus, but for his disciples and for you and me.

Today we will endure suffering. We don’t understand many things that happen. But someday, SOMEDAY, our Lord and Savior will wipe every tear from our eyes. He’ll unbind our grave clothes of this earthy flesh and we will be set free. All those broken pieces will fall into place and we will understand that the hand of God has been upon us all the time. That is the love from our Heavenly Father.

"If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."


1)    The Bible is filled with if-then propositions. If we will…then God will… What do the following verse promise us if we obey? Joshua 1:8, John 8:32-32, James 1:25

2)  Which of the lessons from Lazarus have you found most true in your life? Journal the reason.

3)  Because time and space confines us, we can’t always see what is really happening. What do the following verses say about this in-between time in which we find ourselves? John 16:33, Hebrews 11:13-16, James 1: 2-4

4)  A message from God. “My child, I have a message for you today; let me whisper it in your ear, that it may gild with glory any storm clouds which may arise, and smooth the rough places upon which you may have to tread. It is short, only five words, but let them sink into your inmost soul; use them as a pillow upon which to rest your weary head…..this thing is from ME.”

 How would your life be different if you could receive these words as truth and no only truth but as evidence of God’s love in your life?

Thursday, February 25, 2016



The Better Part

We all have responsibilities, important things that need our attention. But we have to be careful with our “load” or our hearts and minds can be consumed with the task of doing them. Instead of centering ourselves in Christ and letting the other things in our life fall in place around Christ, our attention will be shifted to one of those things on our “to-do” list, one after another and we become frantic.

It is too easy to forget that while there is time for work, there is also time to worship. I am not talking about Sunday church service. I am talking about daily. It’s worship when we spend time with God.

We all have been guilty of giving our Lord a “quickie” moment, that don’t last more than a minute or two. Like Martha we welcome Him with a quick hello and then go about with what we think need to get done. It is so easy to lose our focus in live, to lose our center. Life wants to pull our eyes away from God, whether it’s temptation, worrying or busyness.

We may try to rationalize and say that we don’t have the time to spend with God BUT the rougher the day is, the more time we need to spend.


If we wait to find that “extra” time in our day, it probably won’t happen. Just like any appointment or meeting you have, you need to schedule it.

Daily quiet time alone with God will keep us centered. In order for this to work you first have to be WILLING to make the time, if you EVER what to experience the “BETTER PART.”

Remember the video of the jar being full. This lesson is that the BIG rocks has to go in first. These BIG Rocks are the most important things to you. If you don’t do it FIRST, there will never get in the jar. (Never be done)


The Lord is saying “Take care of My business and I will take care of yours”. Mark room in your heart for God and He will make room for everything else.

Sometimes people don’t want to give God that much time/room. Because in doing so, it will change a person. Some just want enough of God to be happy and/or for the time being.  BUT that is NOT what God wants nor is it how He works. He will woo us and pursue us, but he will NEVER push Himself on us. And when we just want “enough to just make us happy” we are saying “no” to God.

When it comes to our relationship with God, we are as intimate with Him as we choose to be. If there are limitations of God’s presence in our lives, we are the ones that put those “limitations” there. We love to give excuse and excuses is from the Satan. Whatever keep us from spending regular time with God, it is sin.  Generally the definition of sin is “separation from God” and when we don’t spend quality time with God, it is considered “separation” from Him.

So no matter how important the activities may be, no matter how good it seems, if you use it as an excuse from spending time with God, it is sin.

Have you ever been spiritually drained? Did you know that you can be spiritually drained and not even be aware. How you ask? Because we are too BUSY!!!

We sometime have to slow down in order to take a “spiritual inventory” and see where we stand with God. Sometimes we need to see just how “empty” we are before we are willing to be filled.  It kind of like dehydration. We can easily become mildly dehydrated. For example, when we are outside doing some form an activity. We get so into that activity we forget to hydrate ourselves. If we continue that way we will become sick physically and it can be serious if it extreme dehydration. Just like our time with God. Jesus is our living water that hydrates us.  We can be so involved with our activities that we don’t hydrate our soul with the “living water” and eventually it can make us spiritually sick. In both examples the initial warnings of symptoms can be over-shadowed by our focus on the activity, so we don’t heed to these warnings.

I like my drinking glass full. Usually when it is half full, I want it filled up before I drink again. When you are at a restaurant, how do you fill when the waitress/waiter fails to keep your glass full?  We cannot be filled if we only met with God when we feel like it or for a minute or two.

God is a slow pourer. J

We have to make the time for the “Better Part” daily. And furthermore, the “Better Part” is not out there somewhere. It is INSIDE us where Christ lives by His Holy Spirit.

There are three simple truths that can make a difference.

1)    Consistency

2)  Creativity

3)  Conversation

If we want to be an accomplished Christian, we want to know God in all His fullness. So we practice “consistency” It doesn’t matter the time of day. It’s not important when we choose to meet with God. What matters is that we show up regularly. Consistency doesn’t mean perfections, it is simply refusing to give up.

Be creative with how you want to spend time with God. You have a better change of sticking to the quiet time, when you have an interest as well.

Some examples:

1)    Coffee time with God. Go to a cafĂ©’. McDonald’s or a quiet place at your home (porch) Take your Bible, notebook, and coffee.

2)  Besides your Bible, choose another books to read on Christian living.

3)  Take a walk with God. Praise him for the things you see on your walk,

4) Listen to Christian music, and sing as if no one was listening.

5) Listen to sermons and messages from Christian leaders

6) Journaling- Record your thoughts as you meditate on scripture. Write love notes to the Lord. Prayer request.

7) Do a Bible Study.  It will take you beyond just reading God’s Word.

8) Find a Bible translation you understand but also occasionally read from other translations.

9)  Memorize Scripture

10) Spend half-day in prayer. Not impossible but set aside a large portions of your day to spend with the Lord. You will be amazed.


“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”


1)    We live with so much less that God intended us to have. Ask God to illuminate your understanding as your read Paul’s prayers for believers in Ephesians 3:16-19. Then list three truths from this passage you’d like God to make real in your life.

2)  How does Matthew 6:33 relate to the video with the jar being filled with big rocks first? Give example of a time you found this principle true in your life.

3)  Explain how the following Bible characters chose to put God first despite overwhelming emotions or circumstances: DAVID (2 Samuel 12:13-23) DANIEL (Daniel 6:3-10) JESUS (Matthew 26:36-39)

4) Meditate on the following passages: Psalm 139, Isaiah 55, Roman 8, 1 Corinthians 13, Ephesians 4, James 1

5) Which one of the above passages speaks to you the most?


Friday, February 19, 2016




Christians are sometimes known to be the best workers because of their honest and trustworthiness. Christian actually have many identifying marks. What are some of yours?

Off all the identifying marks of a Christian what you would think is the one that “gives us away”?  It’s love. Jesus said that love would be what showed others that we are Christians. READ JOHN 13:35.

This love that Jesus is talking about is called AGAPE. The types of love that most people think is NOT me a mark that made us Christians. Agape is the Christians’ signature. It is UNCONDITIONAL love. NEVER-ENDING not matter what happens kind of love..
The “feel good” kind of love ( phileo ) isn’t enough. We need a love that loves us in spite of and because of . A love in spite of rejection, hardship, persecutions and sins, we love. This is how God loves us and He wants us to share it to others both in words and in service.

Have you ever been to a foot washing? Some people get “grossed” out if they have to touch another person’s feet. Some feet are not so pretty. It is a very humbling service. Not only to wash someone feet but to have yours done as well. Jesus washed His disciple’s feet. That was a service of agape love. This service that Jesus provided was not expected and it simply wasn’t even done back in those days, not even by slaves. When Jesus finished, He invited the disciples to do the same.

This “Kitchen service” is NOT optional for Christians. We are supposed to spend a good part of our time following our Lord’s example. We are supposed to serve others and show love to them. When we do, we are representing Jesus to those we serve and to the world. But the bad thing is, we as Christian neglect to reach out to others around us.

Mahatma Gandhi once said “If Christians lived according to their faith, there would be no more Hindus left in India”. THINK about that statement. We should all say “OUCH”. We may talk the talk but we don’t walk the walk. Maybe that is why some people don’t like Christians.

You might think we shouldn’t put our faith in people, but whether we like it or not, we the only Jesus some people will every see. (What kind of Jesus are you showing people?)

Dwight Moody said “ Of one hundred men, one will read the Bible, the ninety-nine will read the Christian”. If your life was a book, what would it be? Fact or Fiction?

Paul, encouraged people to imitate him because he was following the example of Jesus Christ. They didn’t have the New Testament back in those early days of Christianity. Paul would write and tell the churches that they are the “letter of Christ” “written not in ink but with the Spirit of the Living God, not on tablets of stones but on tables of human hearts”


Think of all the people that see you every day. There are some that you don’t even notice. They are “reading” you. We are supposed to be God’s love letter to the world. Are we showing this love?

Another thing about “Kitchen service”. I am going to put a plug in here for Walk to Emmaus. If you have never been on it, I strongly suggest that you look into it. There would will find the AGAPE love in abundance.  And if you have been on the walk, I strongly suggest that you work a walk. Be a servant. It will give you so much joy.


We all have hear the saying that people will know you by the fruit you bear. You also identify a tree by the fruit it bears. It isn’t enough to call ourselves Christians, READ MATTHEW 7:21.

“Apple trees bear apples. Plum trees bear plums. If we call ourselves Christians, then our lives should be UNMISTAKBLY and OBVIOUSLY Christ-like.”

We have three areas where we bear fruits.

1)   Fruits of our lips          HEBREWS 13:15

2) Fruits of our deeds      COLOSSIANS 1:10

3) Fruits of our attitudes   GALATIANS 5:22-23

In order to produce these kind of fruits, we have to be connected to “THE VINE”. You get connected to the vine the right way, then the fruit will appear. It just happens.

“As we abide in the intimate relationship with Christ, (This week Part 1 or Chapter 5) something miraculous happens. We begin loving as we never loved before. Our lives change and we become examples worth imitating”

Now let look back at the story. When Jesus rebuked Martha, he wasn’t rebuking her service. He rebuked her attitude. She had allowed the service she was providing to irritate, agitate and absorb her.

“Service without spirituality is exhausting and hopeless. But in the same respect, spirituality without service is barren and selfish. We need to unite the two and do it all “as unto the Lord.”

To be part of “God’s kitchen service” you have to find opportunities while “you are on your way.” Look at the web site Random Acts of Kindness. That will give you some ideas.

·       Jesus ministered as he went on his way.

·       Jesus ministered as he went out of his way.

·       Jesus ministered in all kinds of ways.

Going beyond the call of duty is what God wants of us. Remember the story of the Good Samaritan? Be that Samaritan.


We know that love hurts. It always hurts. But if you really love one another, you will not be able to avoid making sacrifices for others. When was the last time you made a loving sacrifice for someone outside of your family, co-workers and friends?

A true passion for God will naturally result in compassion for people. We can’t love God without also be willing to love his children – even when they’re less than lovable. “Red, yellow black or white, they are precious in His sight.”




1) Ask yourself these questions: Am I serving to impress anyone? Am I serving to receive external rewards? Is my service affected by moods and whims (my own as well as others)? Am I using this service to feel good about myself? Am I using my service to muffle God’s voice demanding I change?

2) Who was the first Christian in your live to live a way that you could clearly see Jesus? How did this person affect your life?

3) READ JOHN 13:1-17 When Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, it was a totally unexpected example of what true Christian love looks like. Why was it shocking? Write down the negative things that come to your mind if you had to wash someone’s feet.

4) What did Jesus say was the purpose behind the act and what reward did He promise to those who embraced this teaching?

5) READ 1 CORINTHAINS 13:4-7. Write down the qualities of love. Make a list of the key relationships in your life and list the quality or qualities you need to work on with that person.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


God wants us to have a close relationship with Him, and He is willing to do whatever is necessary to make sure it happens.

What does intimacy with God means to you and how do you achieve it?

This is the season of Lent where many Christians participate. Traditionally the purpose is to prepare the believer through prayer, penance, and repentance of sin, almsgiving, atonement and self-denial. Many commit to fasting of some form. Commonly people fast from certain foods, but now-a-days people fast from certain behaviors and/or activities.  I have known people that fasted from Facebook for the 40 days. For me that would be easy, but for others I can see that being difficult. All of this to draw closer to God. ( If you can do it for 40 days, you can do it everyday, just saying)

A man named Simeon Stylite achieved fame after living 37 years on a small platform on top of a pill in Syria. Very interesting story that I won’t go into all the details. But “google” him and read. He developed a “hunger and thirst” for Christianity at the age 13, after reading the Beatitudes. By the time he was 16 he lived in a monastery. Later he left the monastery and lived like a “shut-in” in a hut for 1 ½ years. Then during Lent he fasted from all eating and drinking for 40 days. ( I could not do that)

He wanted to have his private time to draw close to God. Then he lived in a 9ft pillar, eventually being replaced until it reached 50 feet from the ground. But do you think that this kind of living, on a pillar, brought him any closer to God?

Remember our rock and wagon story for last week? In the Far East, there is a religious festival where the men would have hooks inserted under their skins of their backs then a wagon full of rocks is attached to these hooks and the men drag the wagon through the streets in hoping to obtain forgiveness of their sins.

People go to great lengths to find god and to “obtain” forgiveness for their sins. But it is so simple to find God and so simple to obtain forgiveness because of JESUS. That is all we need. We feel so unworthy to receive what God has for us that we think we must EARN our way to heaven. We think that only those that are “super-spiritual” can really know God.

Why do we weigh out spirit down with all these self-imposed obligations? We tell ourselves “I have to do this or that: “I can’t really know God unless I do…”. We waste a lot of time “getting ready to know” God better, but we don’t have to put hooks in our backs and pull a heavy load.

The way HAS BEEN MADE. The price HAS BEEN PAID. All we have to do is SIMPLY, COME.

One of the main reasons that keeps us from our intimacy with God is BUSYNESS. One of my past pastors would say “ If you are too busy for God, you are JUST TOO BUSY!”

If you are having trouble feeling close to God, you might need to consider what activities you are using to fill the empty places of your life.  What are you hungry for? Is it spiritual?

When we are physically hungry, we feel “hunger pains. We eat and our hunger is satisfied. But spiritually speaking, it isn’t UNTIL we “eat” that we realize just how hungry we are.

When I was young, I didn’t like certain foods. Even though my mother made me “taste” everything on my plate, it would not satisfy my hunger. But when I ate the food that I liked I was no longer hungry. At the same time spiritually, I didn’t have the hunger for God when I read His Word. It was like eating “cardboard . Bland and no taste. I didn’t understand what is was saying, it didn’t move me. (Back then the only version around was the King James Version). But now my spiritual hunger and thirst cannot be satisfied. When I partake of God’s spiritual food, it “taste good” Just like BACON (personal joke.)

That is how it is when we eat at God’s take or sit at Jesus’ feet. We get hungry and thirsty for more. Like Oliver Twist after he has eaten, he says “ Please Sir, I want some more”.

Once you have tasted this spiritual food, nothing else will satisfy you.

READ Psalm 34:8

A man named Robert Boyd Munger wrote an article called “My Heart Christ’s Home. He said “ without question on of the most remarkable Christian doctrines is that Jesus Christ Himself through the presence of the Holy Spirit will actually enter a heart, settle down and be at home there”.

God wants to spend QUALITY time with each of us. He looks forward to it. And when we don’t show up, he misses us.  The peace Mary found at Jesus feet is available to us. A place where we can be comfortable and kick off our shoes. It’s a place of transparency (no make-up) and vulnerability (where we can be our true selves). A place where we are completely known and yet we still are completely loved. Sounds like HOME to me.

READ John 14:23

When we accept God’s offer of “grace-filled rest” in the loving room of our HOME, the alternative is the tyranny of work. We will be driven to do more and more-more stuff, more service projects, more committees, more extra-curricular activities trying to win God’s approval.

Our responsibility is to keep our connection with Jesus Christ solid and secure. This is done through prayer, reading the Word, and spending time. This will bring us that intimate relationship that we were made for.

But see first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Sitting At Jesus’ Feet

1.     When we look to something or someone other than God to fill a need in our hearts, the Bible calls it “idolatry,” Isaiah 46 give us a vivid image of what our lives look like when we are weighed down by idols.  What is weighing you down?  Are you looking to something or someone other than God for comfort, fulfillment or happiness? Write a prayer confessing your idolatry and recommit yourself to simply being carried in His arms

2.   Read the following verses and write the struggle that keeps us from intimacy with God. Ephesians 2:13-14 & 1 John3:1; Psalm 90:12 & Isaiah 40:29-31; Psalm 32:5 & 1 John 1:9; James 4:6-7 & 1 Peter 5:6; Psalm 43:11 & John 14:11 ; Hebrews 13:6 & James 1:12

3.   Making Jesus the center of our lives doesn’t just happen; we must purposefully place Him there. Prayers + the WORD + time= Intimacy with God. Which part of this formula do you find most helpful in your life? What area do you need to grow in?

4.  Read the following verses and journal what metaphor it uses to describe the intimate relationship we can have with God. John 15:5; Romans 8:15-16; 2 Corinthians 11:2

Thursday, February 11, 2016



The book tells a story about God asking a man to carry a wagon with three stones in it to the top of a hill.  The road would take him through the woods and up the road that winds up the side of the mountain. God told him that when he reached the top, just leave it there. The man was so happy to be doing something for Lord and thought this would not be hard. God thanked him for his willingness to help then the man began his journey.

It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the temperature was perfect. Soon he came to a village where everyone greeted him and asked him where he was headed. He explained that he was carrying the three stones up to the top of the mountain for the Lord. Then one man asked if he could take his rock up there. Told the man that he had prayed about how he was going to get it to the top and God had answered his prayers. So the man agreed thinking that it would be alright. So they put the rock in the wagon with the three stones and the man when on his way

He noticed that the wagon was a heavier it would ok. God would be happy that he was helping someone. He began to sing hymns of praises as he traveled. Around the bend was another village, where the man had a friend. He offered him a refreshing drink and inquired about his journey. He told his friend what the Lord had asked of him. His friend ask if he could carry a bag of pebbles up as well. He just didn’t have time. So the man agreed for after all it was just pebbles. So they load the bag of pebbles in the wagon with the rock and 3 stones.

Now he was starting up an incline. He could feel the weight of the wagon and its load. But all along he was thinking how proud God would be for him for being so willing and helpful to others. One stop after another the wagon got fuller and fuller. The man was no longer singing praises, no longer energetic. In fact some resentment was beginning to build up inside.  This was not what he signed up for. God had given him a burden heavier than he could bear.

He was having so much trouble with the wagon. The sun was too hot and his shoulders were hurting from the weight of the wagon along with the wagon lurching from the load. He finally had enough. “God can’t expect me to haul this all the way to the top”. He feel to his knees in exhaustion and began to pray. “God this it too hard for me. I am overcome by the heaviness of it”. God showed up and asked him what the problem is. The man said “You gave me a job that is too hard for me” God walked over to wagon and picked up the bag of pebbles and asked “What is this?” The man explained as God continued to unload the wagon until there was just the three stones.

God said “If you will be content to let others take their own burdens, I will help you with your task.” The man told God that he promised those people he would help them. God said “Let other shoulder their own belonging. I know you were trying to help, but when you are weighed down with all these cares, you cannot do what I asked of you.” The man got up asked “You mean I only have to take the three stones after all?”  “That is what I asked of you. I will never ask you to carry more than I will give you the strength to bear” said God.

The man said “I can do that” and off he went with the wagon and the three stones, leaving the rest of the burden on the side of the road. Again a song filled his heart and he began to sing hymns of praise and with great joy he reached the top.

Nothing is harder to bear than a burden we are not called to carry. While God does ask us to bear one another burdens, he has not asked us to step in and do what people are not doing for themselves. There are many needs, but God has not asked us to meet everyone’s.  In fact, like Martha, we may be surprised by how little God actually requires of us.

The day of Jesus’ visit was probably busier than usual. They Feast of the Tabernacle was near and the house would have be filled with al lot of preparation and cooking. The feast lasted for 7 days. It was held in the fall and was one of 3 feast that every adult male was required to celebrate. The people left their homes and lived in make-shift homes of tents and booths in memory of their time in the wilderness.

So when Jesus and his disciples came, Martha extended her hospitality and wanted to make everything perfect. She never thought of joining Jesus and the other men, because it simply wasn’t allowed. But she shown her devotion by the gift of service. Martha soon discovered that her “wagon” was getting too heavy. Just like ours does when we add our human agendas and expectations to it.


Jesus told Martha “but only one thing is needed.” Is it cooking, cleaning or doing good works? No. The “one thing” is knowing God. I didn’t say know OF God, but to know God on a personal more intimate way.

Did Martha do this “one thing?” We don’t know, in fact we don’t what happened after that conversation. Mary might have gotten up and helped Martha. Surely she overheard the conversation. Maybe Martha sat at Jesus’s feet as well. So why do you think the story ended this way?

What would you do when told you’ve missed out on “the best” God has for us? Will you bow you knees or will we run back to do what we were doing? Will we have excuses or humble hearts?


So often we give the gift we think he needs rather than take the time to find out what He desires. We make promises, New Year’s Resolutions, reading the Bible in a year, join a prayer group or start one, join a Bible study or start one , to be more loving and less selfish, wanting opportunities to serve, visit the sick and home bounded people and the list could go on. But is that what God wants YOU to do.

Contrary to popular belief, WE CAN NOT DO IT ALL. That is the problem.  In fact, we are NOT supposed to even try. In Romans 12, Paul tells us about us being the body of Christ and as members we each have a different gift to use for God’s purpose for others. It is said that 20% of the Church (Church with a capital C means all Christians) does 80% of the work. That is not what God intended. We must take time to sit at Jesus’ feet, to worship Him and to getting to know Him better.

When we put God first in our life, then God will smile and will reveal our part in His will.  You may have a burden for a certain need or project, but God may not be calling you to do it. Pray about it and pray for the right person to accomplish it .If it is for someone else and we take on this task, it can be a struggle and we just took that blessing away from them.

So this “one thing”, how do we obtain it?

1)    Invite Jesus to rule and reign in your life. Each morning invite God to come take a part of your day. Tell Him your plans and ask for His wisdom and guidance

2)  Ask god to reveal the next step. As you go through your day, keep asking the Lord what is the next “one thing” that you need to do next.

3)  Have faith that what needs to get done will get done. Do what you can do. Then trust that what was not done was either unimportant or it is being taken care of by God.

4) Be open to the Spirit’s leading. Even if you day is interrupted by divine appointments, instead of resisting the interruptions, flow with the “one day” as God brings it across your path.



If we could just know what God expects of us, then it would be easy to please Him. Service is good, but it was NEVER meant to be our first priority.  We are called to intimacy with God. The “one thing” Martha needed is the “one thing” we need as well.


“If any of you lack wisdom, he should ask God, who give generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” JAMES 1:5


1.     Do you ever feel driven, perfectionistic, inner Martha Stewart coming out?  List the ways.

2.   Take a look in your wagon. What are you carrying? Stones? Rock? Pebbles? Make a list and label them stone, rock or pebbles. Which one did God ask you to carry?

3.  Often the thing that weighs us down most is the feeling that we must bear the weight alone, that it is all up to us. What do we learn from the following verses: Psalm 46:1, Psalm 68:19, Isaiah 41:10, 1 Peter 5:7

4.  READ Luke 18:18-25. What qualifications did the rich young ruler give for entering the kingdom of God? What is the “one thing” this young man lacked?

5.  READ Titus 2:11-12. It tells of the grace of God does in our lives. List these things.