Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World Week 5 Part 2



Read John 12:1-8

What do you think took place in Mary’s heart when she met Jesus that day? Mary seemed to be the only one that understand what was about to take place, for she seemed moved to take the appropriate action.

Jesus apparently had a special relationship with this family. Mary, Martha and Lazarus loved him deeply. They had given him a home. A family and a place to lay his head when he returned from his travels. 

In Matthew 26:2, Jesus told the disciples what was awaiting him.. “The Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified”. He didn’t keep any secrets about it, but yet his closest followers didn’t comprehend fully what was happening. They knew Jesus was a wanted man, that fact had been well publicized.

When Jesus was before the Sanhedrin, Caiaphas actually prophesized when he said “You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish” .

Let’s go back to Mary. When she anointed Jesus, she was gave all that she had, the best that she had. In fact, the she poured the perfume on his feet. Out of her alabaster jar was probably all of her hopes and dreams she ever had.

Back in those days, to be married ranked high on every Jewish maiden’s wish list. Their culture made marriage and childbirth the highest form of honor. To be barren was a disgrace, BUT to be unmarried….was a shame. (It is sad that many today still think this way or think something is wrong with you).

At the “ripe” (I use this word loosely) age of 12, most Jewish women had been promised in marriage. The fathers generally arranged these unions but the girls did have a say. Several factors were involved in this process. One was the pride price, the compensation paid to the bride’s father by the groom. But the bride was often expected to bring something of value to this union as well.

As far as we know, Mary never ahd the opportunity to marry. Because she and Lazarus lived with Martha, it appears that their parents must have died years before.. So the alabaster jar of perfume may have been a part of not all of Mary’s dowry. This perfume was worth more than three hundred denarii which was nearly a year’s wages., 30,000 a bottle.

NARD, was rare. Made from the aromatic oil extracted from the root of a plant grown in mainly India, so it had to be imported. There is no perfume today that can even compare to it…

This treasure that Mary poured out that day was more than an expensive perfume. She was pouring out her very life in LOVE and SACRIFICAL SERVICE. But not everyone saw Mary’s heart.

There were those that thought it could have been sold to help the poor. It was a waste to use the whole bottle when a little would have been just as good. And what was she doing caressing Jesus’ feet, crying and what was she doing with her hair. She could have used her clothing.

What would have gone through YOUR mind if you saw such a display?

Some even came bold enough to speak up about it. But Jesus “nipped it in the bud”. “Leave her alone. It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial”.. After Jesus said this, his disciples STILL didn’t get a clue..

Sometime in our life, we don’t understand why things haven’t taken place in our lives that generally is common practice and events but God sometimes has other plans. When we get down and discouraged Jesus comes to me us, just where we are. No matter how dark the corner is in our lives, if we are willing, he will shine that area with a sweet spotlight from heaven, his Holy Spirit. When that happens, we can give ourselves in worship just as Mary did.

There is a time to work and a time to worship. In our lives we are to merge these into one. Loving the Lord our God with all our hearts, soul and mind and our neighbor as ourself. Then worship will become a generous lifestyle rather than a weekly bless-me event. So that our work will become holy because, no matter what we do, we work as if working for the Lord and NOT men.


Phillippians 1:6 “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”


1)    READ Luke 11:1-4. Based on this template of prayer Jesus gave His disciples, what elements should we include in our prayers?

2)  READ the following verses. Describe the process God uses and the purpose He intends:

Deuteronomy 8:22      Romans 8:28-29

2 Corinthians 4:17      

3)  Find a quiet place and sit or kneel at the feet of Jesus. Let you heart soak in His love as you thank Him for His presence in your life.

REMEMBER, Jesus wants to give you all the strength, wisdom and grace you need to face every single day. BUT it’s only found as you spend time at His feet.

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