Sunday, April 3, 2016


A Teachable Heart

Excerpt from the book. “ No previous experience required. We will train you” the advertisement said. It read like a help-wanted ad for the night shift at McDonald’s. Except this ad appeared on the pages of one of Americans leading business journals.

After decades of dog-eat-dog capitalism, it seems, Fortune 500 companies are beginning to look for a new breed of workers. While degrees remain important, many businesses are looking for more personal qualities in their personnel. “How do you interact with others?”, they ask. “Are you a team player or a maverick?”


Companies are ignoring glowing resumes, bypassing corporate headhunters and going straight to college campuses to recruit their workforce. Why? “We spend more time and money ‘untraining’ people than we would training them in the first place.” Said one executive on a talk show. “We don’t need know-it-alls; we need people who are willing to learn.”

Excerpt finished.

I can understand that. I am sure that you do too. Haven’t you come across that “co-worker” who has done everything and knows everything? I have come across quite a few in my professional life. And did they know everything….NO!

There is something to picking someone who don’t know everything. They are teachable!

Look at Jesus, He wasn’t interested in finding capable people as he was in finding available people. He was looking for a teachable heart. Reminds me of the saying that Jesus don’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called.

He qualifies by teaching us that is if we are teachable.

Look at who Jesus called to be His disciples. He didn’t pick any educated scribes or Pharisee. If he had, he would have to reprogram their thinking to God’s way of thinking, if fact they heard His teachings and never changed. So Jesus chose men without formal educations, without resumes, no previous “preaching” work experience.

To others they may have looked unimpressive, unclean, uneducated and maybe at times uncouth. But Jesus saw in them exactly what he needed…FOLLOWERS with the potential for transformation. Transformation requires CHANGE and change often is painful, therefore people choose not to be transformed. God is more concerned about our CHARACTER than our comfort. 

Look at Martha. She thought that if she was being productive that she would have value.  But Jesus wanted her to learn, not just know, that she had value simply because she belong to Him.


TO LEARN OR NOT TO LEARN, that is the question. When we have teachable moments in our lives, like when we are being corrected, rebuked or chastened, we have the choice to learn or not learn. We can receive it or we can refuse it. Most of us are quick to admit we are not perfect, as long as we don’t have to go into specifics. But when someone points out a flaw in our lives, we get our “feathers ruffled”.

However Martha received the rebuke of Jesus humbly and learned from it. She had a teachable heart that would explain the transformation into the Martha of John Chapters 11 and 12. In these chapters we see a completely different woman than the one read about in Luke.  There is a tenderness there, that wasn’t before. A new faith. A new intimacy with Jesus.

A woman who is used to being obsessed about entertaining left her home filled with company. The hostess with the moistest, left the party. Martha abandoned her obligations and ran to meet her Master, Jesus. Her renewed faith she said. “  But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.”.

Faith. That’s what was different. Martha proclaimed her belief that Jesus could do whatever was needed.  Gone was the Martha that ordered Jesus to “tell” Mary to come help her. This same person is the one that Jesus will reveal himself in all his glory. READ John 11:25-26

Scholars call this declaration one of the most incredible statement of faith in Scripture. “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into this world.”  Can you proclaim that as well with firm belief?

Martha’s eyes had been open. She knew who Jesus was, not just a good man, a prophet or fascinating teacher, but the very Son of God.  Then Martha went to her sister, the one she had previously had an issue with, and told her that Jesus was asking for her.

We too can get a new heart like Martha by being teachable. And to be teachable we have to 1) be willing to listen, 2) act on what we hear, 3) respond to discipline.

1)    Which of the following best describes the kind of student you were in school? Intellectual, Absent though present, Teacher’s pet, Procrastinator, Party Animal, High Achiever.. What did you like most about school? What did you like least? How have you carried these likes and dislikes into adulthood.

2) Thin of someone you consider teachable, what character qualities make you view him or her that way?

3) Fill out the “Are you Teachable Questionnaire”. (See below)

"If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8:31-32


Consider the following statements to give you an idea of your teach ability. Answer “U” for Usually, “S” for Sometimes, and “R” for Rarely. Then give yourself 3 points for each “U” answered; 2 points for each “S” answered and 0 for each “R” you answered.  Add them up.  If your score is 24-30 points, you are well on your way to a teachable heart. If your score 15-23, keep at it. If your score is 0-14, you may need to make your teach ability a matter of prayer, because you will find a teachable heart is one of life’s greatest treasures.

1)         I feel comfortable asking for advise

2)      I easily admit when I am wrong

3)      I enjoy reading for information rather than   escape

4)I’m able to receive criticism without being hurt

5)            I enjoy listening to other people’s thoughts and opinions without feeling the need to express my own.

6)     When I am reading something in the Bible, I automatically think of ways to apply it.

7)     I enjoy church and Bible classes and usually take notes

8)    I’m able to disagree with someone without feeling like I have to debate the issue.

9)      I’m willing to look at all sides of a situation before I from an opinion.

10)            I’d rather be righteous than always have to be “right

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