Sunday, May 24, 2015


I hope everyone found it easier to prayer using the A.C.T.S. Model this past week. This next model is popular when you want to teach children to pray. But, It is also useful to us adults.

You can use your hand to help you and this model is excellent in teaching children how to pray. But to God, we are all children to him.

1.    The Thumb. Starting with the thumb. I is the closest “digit” to you our body. The represents all the people that are closed to you. This will be the easiest to remember. Mother, Father, children, brothers/sisters, spouse, close friends and close enemies. YES I said enemies. You know some may call the friendemies….
While praying for our loved ones is easy, the Bible also tells us to pray for our enemies, who in a negative way, are also near us. READ 1 PETER 3:9

2.    The Pointer. The pointer/index finger reminds us of those who instruct. Did you have a school teacher that would point that finger at you while teaching or correcting you? I did, her name was Mrs. Davis, BUT she never pointed it at me J. This includes teachers, doctors, ministers, nurses. They need support and wisdom in “pointing” others in the right directions. Keep them in your prayers. These people have a GREAT influence on society and we should pray that they display and teach godly principles in all they do.

3.    The TALLEST. (Don’t call it anything else >:)  This finger is for those IN CHARGE. Yes that would include your bosses. Pray for the president and other leaders in business and industry. The military, police, people of government. These people shape our nation and our businesses. THEY NEED GOD’s GUIDANCE.

4.    THE RING FINGER. This finger in generally the weakest . Don’t believe me?  Touch a table with just your fingertips. Now lift each on separately starting with the thumb… SEE, I told you it was weak.  This should remind us of those that are weak: The sick, even those that are sin-sick,  those in trouble, in pain, the poor, those that are treated badly. Pray that God will give them, healing and strength.
They need prayers night and day. You cannot pray too much for them. READ 1 CORINTHIANS 12:12 and JAMES 5:16

Praying for others is a way of serving those around us and serving is what gives us purpose to life. Jesus said “If you love Me, feed My sheep.” Praying for those in need is one way to feed Christ’s sheep.

5.    THE LITTLE FINGER. The smallest finger of all. Which is where we should place ourselves in relations to God and others. And the Bible says “ The lease shall be the greatest among you”. SO your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself.

By the time you have prayed for the other four groups, your own needs will be put into proper perspective and your will be able to pray for yourself more effectively.

When praying for yourself we should first confess our sins ( IF you failed to do this under CONFESSION,  Why do we have to confess before we prayer for ourselves? When we sin, we cause a “break” in our fellowship with God. We don’t want to be out of fellowship with Him. No matter how badly we’ve sin, take heart and know that He is faithful and will forgive us. READ 1 JOHN 1:9
If you use this as your only model, offer up thanks for all the blessing he has given. READ PSALM 50:14

And finally we lay out what is on our heart, the GOOD and the BAD, and we pray the GOD’S WILL BE DONE in our life. Trust Him and He will lead you . READ ROMANS 8:28

There are some other variations of this prayer. Look at the pictures below.

Should you find it hard to sleep at night: Just remember the homeless who have no bed to lie in, and PRAY FOR THEM

Should you have a bad day at work: Think of the person who has been out of work for the last three months and PRAY FOR THEM

Should you find yourself stick in traffic; don’t despair. There are people in this world that to whom driving is an unheard of privilege and PRAY FOR THEM

Should you despair over a relationship gone bad; Think of the person who has never know what it’s like to love and be loved in return and PRAY FOR THEM

Should your grieve the passing of another weekend: Think of the woman in dire straits, working 12 hours a day, seven days a week at less that minimum wages plus tips to feed her family and PRAY FOR THEM

Should your care break down, leaving you miles away from help, Think of the paraplegic or amputees that would love the opportunity to take a walk and PRAY FOR THEM.

Should you notice another new grey hair in the mirror, thing of the cancer patient in chemotherapy who wishes she had hair to examine and PRAY FOR THEM.

Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering what is life all about, what is my purpose; Be thankful, for there are those who didn’t live long enough to get the opportunity and GIVE THANKS.

Should you find yourself the victim of other people’s bitterness, ignorance, smallness and insecurities; remember, things could  be worse. You could be them. GIVE THANKS

            Next week we will look that the prayer model that Jesus taught us.

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