Thursday, May 7, 2015


The number one complain people have about prayer is “ I can’t stay focused”. Someone called it “monkey-mind” swinging non-stop from one distraction to another. Has this happened to you? It has to me too, quite often.

Best Practice #2 talked about routine. A routine condition your minds ability.

So how do we stay focused? Engagement. Engage out minds by using Prayer Models. This is what our Bible Study will be focusing on starting May 13, 2015.

There are different “prayer models” out there. That basically help you. One is CHAT. Mnemonic C- Cheers for who God is. H- Humble yourself ask for forgiveness. A- appreciate God for what he has done, give thanks and T-tell Him your needs.

It is like an outline or a recipe or a nursing skill.

So get ready. We will be practicing a few of these models during our study and then you can pick which one fits you. Hope you all have your “prayer space” ready!

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