Friday, October 14, 2016




      DAY 1 HEBREWS 6:12

      DAY 2 PHILIPPIANS 3:12

      DAY 3 MATTHEW 6: 3-4

      DAY 4 2 TIMOTHY 4:7

Moving forward in faith is the root of Ruth’s story. Ruth first stepped in faith to follow Naomi to Bethlehem, then in faith she looked for work. That faith led her to Boaz. Ruth had faith in Naomi’s guidance and she is now having faith in Boaz as to getting the “redeemer” issue cleared up. Even though this situation of moving forward in faith, is waiting.

Sometimes, when our moving forward in faith, we are waiting, standing still. Nothing is happening. We are a people that like to see things in motion. When we have to “wait”, we can get tired and that lead us to the temptation to quit.

But what really causes us to be tired.  There are three areas in which we can get tired: 1) Physically, 2) Emotionally and 3) Spiritually.

So the first step to overcome this “I am tired” excuse is to determine what the source of our tiredness.


If we are physically tired, our bodies are trying to tell us something. To slow down, get more sleep or something is wrong with your health.

Try to keep yourself physically healthy and that included with annual physical exams if you have no medical reason for going to see a physician. Just get a checkup, especially if you have some, what you may call, minor signs or symptoms. And to those of us nurses, we have a tendency to not to address minor issues without physical health. You know I am right. I am not the only one.

Next step. Get some rest.


Do you every get snappy? Getting upset about thinks that never really mattered to you before. Do you feel like you are just going through the motions of life?

Rest is incredibly important to your emotional health and it allows you to produce more and more effectively. Slow down. Take a break. Get “unplugged” from this world and life in the “now”. Turn off the phones, the TV and the computer. Enjoy reading a good book. Enjoy family and/or friends. 

Refueling doesn’t necessary mean taking a nap, or a “slobber nap” as bother calls it. Be around with Godly people is a great way of refueling, like a revival. And I don’t mean your visits to church on Sundays.

Before mother got so sick that I had to move in with her, I was an active part of our Emmaus community. We met once a month for a meal, singing, worshipping and communion. It always made me feel uplifted. I am so looking forward to getting to return to those “gathering” especially since I feel “emotionally tired”.

And our last step is take time for yourself.


Being spiritually tired is the most threatening one for someone who is tempted to quit.

Get away from it all! Social Media, work, family and friends. Focus on YOU and reflect on the vision you have for your life.

When the demands of our lives, drive us to “passionless” steps, it’s time to do something. To pull back. To rewind. When we get caught up with the demands of life, we want to quit every time because we have forgotten who we are and what drives our passion.

Learning to move forward in faith is going to require some energy and effort on our part. Faith is not about determination. When we have faith, especially with God’s promises, usually there is a process.

We ask God to move our mountains, but sometime, well most of the time, God wants us to go around that mountain one more time. Like Joshua did with the city of Jericho. We may not understand, we may think is it senseless or even have doubt. BUT, with faith you need to have some “footwork” too. That means, you NEVER stop taking steps to help our faith grow.

We just need to remember “One mountain at a time, one lap at a time, “one day at a time”, no matter how many laps/days it takes, just keep taking the next step.

Let get in the Word:

When we started the book of Ruth, it began with three funerals, but now it closes with a wedding/marriage. There was a great deal of weeping in the first chapter as well, but there is overflowing joy in the last chapter. Psalms 30:5 says “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy something in the morning”. Words to give us hope when we go through trials and tribulations.

Kinsman-Redeemer. The purpose of the kinsman-redeemer was to preserve the name and protect the property of families in Israel. God owned the land and didn’t want it exploited by rich people who would take advantage of the poor and widows. This law which can be found in Lev. 25:23-34 and Deut. 25:5-10, made sure that a deceased man’s family name did not die with him and that his property was not sold outside the tribe or clan. Unfortunately this did not always happen.

Not everyone could perform the duties of a kinsman redeemer. To begin with, he had to be a near relative/kinsman. (Lev 25:25). This was Boaz obstacle. There was another that more closely related. Then the kinsman-redeemer also had to be able to pay the redemption price. Fortunately Boaz was a wealthy man and able to do so. Then the other thing was that the kinsman-redeemer had to be willing to redeem. They may have the money but not the motivation.  He we see that the man that was the closer relative was afraid it would jeopardize his present family’s inheritance.

The city gate was the place where the official courts did their judicial business in the presence of elders.  The other kinsman wanted the land, but he didn’t want Ruth as part of the deal. So he backed out. Boaz was more that glad to accept the position of kinsman-redeemer. He took the risk of God’s calling, accepted it in faith and his name in written down in Scripture and with honor.  John 2:17 “He who does the will of God abides forever”.

Now this shoe thing is kind of strange. The custom of taking off the show relates to the divine commandment to walk on land and take possession. (Gen. 13:17, Deut. 11:24, Josh. 1:3)

Many scholars state that Boaz the picture of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is OUR Kinsman-Redeemer. Jesus came to earth in a human body to become RELATED to us. He needed to do that before He could REDEEM us. He paid the REDEMPTION price for us.

Like Boaz, Jesus wasn’t concerned about jeopardizing His own inheritance; instead He made us a part of His inheritance (Eph. 1:11, 18). Like Boaz, Jesus made is plan privately, but paid the price publicly. And like Boaz, Jesus did what He did because of His love for His bride.

What wonderful changes came into Ruth’s life because she trusted Boaz and let him work on her behalf? Can we do the same without Kinsman-Redeemer?

After their marriage, God blessed them with a child that would be a source of blessing to many.

He would be a blessing to Naomi. He would bring blessing to Bethlehem. He would bring blessing to Israel in King David. He would bring blessing to the whole world in the Messiah.

Q.U.I.T strategy.


     How are you going to keep moving forward in faith?


     What was the ultimate result of Ruth’s obedience?


     Which of the Quit Quitting verses did you identify with the most this week?


     We looked at so many different ways of moving forward in faith., is God asking you to sit still or make movement right now? Write down what this looks like for you.

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