Wednesday, August 24, 2016


           ONE WEEK TO GO!!!

Are you ready to learn not only more about the Bible, but to learn 5 habits to not “QUIT”, from a women who doesn’t quit? I am!!!

If we are honest with ourselves, we all have “QUIT” on something. Sometimes our goal is to “quit”, something that is generally not good for us, physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. And we quit on trying to quit.

I googled the internet on things to quit, some I could picked if I were on the Family Feud, but then some caused be to stop and ponder.  Let me names some obvious ones:

o  Snacking non-stop even when not hungry

o  Spending too much time on the couch watching TV

o  Overspending

o  Smoking

o  Drinking alcohol

Now some not so obvious:

o  Making excuse, doubting yourself, judging others, letting the past define you, being ungrateful

o  Feeling sorry for yourself, being idle, jealous of others, holding grudges, lying, blaming others

o  Letting your past define you, playing the victim, worrying, trying to make everything perfect,

o  Putting your needs on the back burner, trying to compete against others, saying “yes” all the time, thinking money creates value, worrying what others think of you.

It is OK to QUIT, but it is never OK to GIVE UP!

Just start again another day or time, refreshed and renewed. Even God’s mercies are new every day.

Even Scarlett O’Hara had that attitude. You know at the end of Gone With The Wind when Rhett left Scarlett by saying those famous words “Frankly Scarlett, I don’t give……..”

She had finally realized that she loved Rhett instead of Ashley. She had turned her love away from Rhett time after time and he finally had enough. But she said “Tomorrow’s another day”.

God’s Word is full of new beginnings. So we have hope for anything and all things that we quit on. We just start again, tomorrow.


Maybe because it takes too long to see the final results. Or maybe we were not committed 100% in the task.

In our study we will be evaluating our own personal strengths that make us want to quit. We will cultivate new habits to help us progress toward our goals and reading scriptures will help develop the perseverance that we need.

So in preparation of next week, list the things that you have quitted and would really want to say “Tomorrow’s another day”. Write down the reason that you quit each task.

There is a new task I want everyone to do, can you guess what it is? That’s right complete this Bible study. I will be praying for you all so that the enemy will not interfere with the few moments it takes each week to do the study and I am praying that we all will have insight from this study that will touch us personally.


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