Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Woo Hoo! It’s time to start our new Bible Study on Ruth. Ready to learn 5 habits from a Woman that doesn’t quit? Hope this past week you have prepared yourself for this study through prayer.

This study is designed for 6 weeks, each divided into 5 days of reading and activity. Some of you will do it daily and others all in one day. Either way is right as long as your spend time in the Word, reflections on how it applies or can apply to your life and prayer.

Each day had a “QUIT QUITING VERSE”. Write them to your heart. Post-it notes on your mirrors, In your car, at work are wonderful ways to help.

There is also the Q.U.I.T strategy.

Q- Questions we need to ask and answer.

U- Understanding the Word. Summarizing the readings, characters and words during the week of the story of Ruth. 

I Into the Promise. There is a promise in every story in Scripture and Ruth is filled with promises of hope.

T- Turn something around. This is another time of reflections to where we need to action and change.



      DAY 1 ROMANS 5:3-4

      DAY 2 ROMAN 8:13

      DAY 3 1 PETER 5:8

      DAY 4 PSALM 34:18

      DAY 5 HEBREWS 10:23

Let get in the Word:

The story of Ruth takes place during the period of the rule of the judges, when the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes. Hmmmm kinda like this day and time.

Due to a famine, Elimelech decided to take his family to Moab, a country known to be Israel’s enemy and where they worshipped pagan gods. Do you see the first “QUIT” here? The situation was getting hard and instead of asking God what to do and trust God, Elimelech did what “he thought was right in his eyes.”

Famine was often evidence of God’s discipline because His people had sinned against Him. Lev 26:18-20; Deut. 28:15

When trouble comes to our lives we can do one of three things: ENDURE, ESCAPE, or ENLIST. If we only endure our trials, the trials become our master and we have a tendency to become hard and bitter. IF we try to escapes our trials, then we will probably miss the purpose God wants to achieve in our lives. But if we enlist our trial, they become our servant instead of our master and work for us and God will work all things together for our good and His glory. Romans 8:28.

No matter how difficult our circumstances may be, the safest and best place is in the will of God.  Elimelech walked by sight and not by faith. To walk by faith is claiming the promises of God and obeying the Word of God, in spite of what we see, how we feel or what may happen.

Elimelech traveled about 50 miles into pagan (enemy) territory. Bad decision. His sons married the women of Moab. Jews were forbidden to marry Gentile women, especially those from Ammon and Moab. They left Judah to escape from starving to death, yet death followed them to Moab.

We now have 3 widowed women. Naomi heard that the famine had ended “back home” So she decided to return. Luke 15:17 says. there’s always bread enough and to spare when you are in the Father’s will. How sad it is when people only hear of God’s blessings but never experience it, because they are not in the place where God can bless them.

There was almost nothing worse than being a widow in the ancient world. They were taken advantage of or ignored. They were almost always poverty stricken. God’s law however, provided for the widow’s nearest relative to the deceased husband should be the one that cared for the widow.

Naomi’s decision to return to Bethlehem was right but her motives was still about food and furthermore, she didn’t want her daughter-in-laws to go with her. She tried to influence them to return to their land and their false god.

Why do you think she didn’t want them to return with her? Could it be that the women would be living proof that Naomi and her husband had allowed their two sons to marry women from outside the Jewish nation?

Then Naomi blames herself for the sorrow and pain the three women had experienced. Do you think she had been walking with Lord? Sounds almost like a guilty conscious of something she had done that was displeasing to God.

Orpah decided to return to her homeland. QUIT. But Ruth refused to turn around. She had come to know and trust the God of Israel and she wanted to be with His people and dwell in His land.

Ruth confessed her love for her mother-in-law and her desire to stay with her even unto death. Then she confessed her faith in the true and living God and her decision to worship Him.

She was willing to forsake her father and mother in order to cleave to Naomi and the God of her people. Ruth was determined.

Q.U.I.T strategy.


     From the assigned reading, Ruth 1:1-18, what are some questions you would like to have answered?


     List all 6 characters in this story that we have read this week.

      Lisa at least 4 life-altering events that we saw happening.


     You studied 5 Quit Quitting Verses this week. Which of these verses did you need the most this week. Write out how it can help you step into God’s promises for your life.


     Which of these areas did you feel challenged by God this week.:

            Moving too quickly when I don’t see God working

            Leaving because things get hard

            The need to cling tighter to God.


Wednesday, August 24, 2016


           ONE WEEK TO GO!!!

Are you ready to learn not only more about the Bible, but to learn 5 habits to not “QUIT”, from a women who doesn’t quit? I am!!!

If we are honest with ourselves, we all have “QUIT” on something. Sometimes our goal is to “quit”, something that is generally not good for us, physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. And we quit on trying to quit.

I googled the internet on things to quit, some I could picked if I were on the Family Feud, but then some caused be to stop and ponder.  Let me names some obvious ones:

o  Snacking non-stop even when not hungry

o  Spending too much time on the couch watching TV

o  Overspending

o  Smoking

o  Drinking alcohol

Now some not so obvious:

o  Making excuse, doubting yourself, judging others, letting the past define you, being ungrateful

o  Feeling sorry for yourself, being idle, jealous of others, holding grudges, lying, blaming others

o  Letting your past define you, playing the victim, worrying, trying to make everything perfect,

o  Putting your needs on the back burner, trying to compete against others, saying “yes” all the time, thinking money creates value, worrying what others think of you.

It is OK to QUIT, but it is never OK to GIVE UP!

Just start again another day or time, refreshed and renewed. Even God’s mercies are new every day.

Even Scarlett O’Hara had that attitude. You know at the end of Gone With The Wind when Rhett left Scarlett by saying those famous words “Frankly Scarlett, I don’t give……..”

She had finally realized that she loved Rhett instead of Ashley. She had turned her love away from Rhett time after time and he finally had enough. But she said “Tomorrow’s another day”.

God’s Word is full of new beginnings. So we have hope for anything and all things that we quit on. We just start again, tomorrow.


Maybe because it takes too long to see the final results. Or maybe we were not committed 100% in the task.

In our study we will be evaluating our own personal strengths that make us want to quit. We will cultivate new habits to help us progress toward our goals and reading scriptures will help develop the perseverance that we need.

So in preparation of next week, list the things that you have quitted and would really want to say “Tomorrow’s another day”. Write down the reason that you quit each task.

There is a new task I want everyone to do, can you guess what it is? That’s right complete this Bible study. I will be praying for you all so that the enemy will not interfere with the few moments it takes each week to do the study and I am praying that we all will have insight from this study that will touch us personally.