Tuesday, December 13, 2016



SCRIPTURE MATTHEW 1:18-25, 2:13-15, 19-23

What do we know about Joseph? Other than being Mary’s husband and the earthly father of Jesus? Other than being a carpenter? Let’s see what we can learn.

I all of Scripture not a single word was recorded from Joseph’s mouth. He was a quiet man. You might say he was the strong and silent type. Generally those men that work hard, say very little. My dad was one of those men.

These type of men are seldom, head of committees, but they serve faithfully. People respect them and their judgement, even if it only as smile or a nod of the head. They are men of integrity. Their word is their bond. A handshake is better than a signed contract.

Just because Joseph words were never recorded in the Bible doesn’t make him less important in the Christmas story. His role in the birth and upbringing of Jesus was indispensable.

We know that Joseph obedient to the Lord. He listens the he acts. God speaks to him in dreams and he responds. When he planned to not go with the marriage of Mary because she was pregnant, an angel came in a dream and told him to take Mary as his wife, and he did.

Just as he did after Jesus was born. An angel came to him in a dream and told Joseph to get up and leave with Mary and the child. This was when Herod was planning to killed the male children.  After Herod died, an angel came again in his dreams and told him to take his family to Israel. And he did.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all could be as obedient and quick about it?

Mary and Joseph both were obedient to God. The observed the Mosaic rituals and civil laws. The journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem was about a 90 mile journey.  It would take 8-10 days. They circumcised Jesus on the eight day as part of the law of Moses. (Leviticus 12:3)

Then Joseph took Jesus and Mary to Jerusalem for “purification” after waiting thirty-three days for Mary to finish bleeding (Leviticus 12:1-8) Luke 2:21-24. Joseph dedicated two turtledoves (does that sound familiar) because he was poor. The upper and middle class were required to dedicate a lamb while the poor were required to dedicate two turtledoves.

Then Joseph, with Mary, parented Jesus so that he grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. Every year they would take Jesus back to Jerusalem as required for the Passover. When Jesus was twelve, he held the rabbis and priest captive with His understanding and His answers. (Luke 2:46-47)  

After this we never hear of Joseph again in the Scriptures. There was no mention of him at the wedding feast in Cana.  He was not there with Mary and the other children when they begged Jesus to avoid controversy in his ministry and to come home.

We have always heard and think of Joseph as a carpenter. Interesting that the Greek word the Bible uses is ‘tekton” which means “artisan” or “builder” or “stone mason” . The King James Translation in 1611 used the word carpenter to describe Joseph and so it has been ever since.  Trees in Israel are of short supply. When Solomon imported the “cedars of Lebanon” to build the Temple in Jerusalem.  The Houses in Galilee were built of limestone.  But furniture, and yokes for oxen had to be built somehow.

Carpenter knew how to use a hammer, chisel and a plumb line and a level. Everything has to be straight. Close your eyes and picture Jesus working side by side with Joseph.  Listen to what Joseph is saying “ Son, it has to be perfectly straight and that’s the way God wants us to be with one another” or talking about how someone who is building their house on sand saying “ when the storms come, that house is going to fall. It needs to be level and build on a solid foundation, just like the way our lives should be built on God” Jesus even taught that in Luke 6:46-49

We don’t know how long Joseph lived but you have to wonder what role he played in helping Jesus understand God as God of all humanity. Jesus must have learned much from his strong, quiet hardworking father. At time we see when Jesus shows this quietness Himself.


Think of what kind of man you think Joseph was? What traits do you see? Imagine a scene between him and Jesus and Joseph explaining the things of life to him.  Plan to share for discussion next week.

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