Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Women of Christmas Week 1 Bible Study

Long time ago God reached down from heaven with the best gift we will EVER receive. The gift of love and hope through the birth of Jesus Christ.

Three women played a vital role in his birth: Elizabeth, Mary and Anna. If you are like me I was thinking “Anna who”? We all have heard the stories about Elizabeth and Mary, but I don’t ever recall hearing anything about Anna.

Each life was different than the other. Elizabeth was married. Mary was young and engaged, and Anna was an elderly widow.

These women will teach us to wait upon the Lord, to trust him with everything that matters and to pray until our prayers our answered.

Christmas is much more than a holiday, more than the commercialism that starts Oct 31, more than cooking and eating, more than decorations and wrapping presents.

It’s a season for reflection, for preparation and for renewal.

As we begin our study we will start with Elizabeth.  She was a relative of Mary. She came from a distinguished family and had a rich heritage. She also “married well” but that was not enough.

She was barren. Barren in a culture in which a woman’s worth was measured by the number of children she produced. A time when inability to bear children was seen as a sign of God’s judgement- a curse. However her barrenness was not her fault nor her husband's. They had done nothing to deserve this shame and disgrace. Not only was she barren, but her childbearing years had passed.

I am sure the devil tried his best to make Elizabeth become bitter and angry because God had not answered her prayers……yet. Satan knows WHERE we are most vulnerable. When he plays in our life, he is unfair, unjust and unkind.



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