Thursday, January 22, 2015


I recently came across an organization called Nurses Christian Fellowship. You know I had to join and "check it out".  Found this and thought it might be useful .


Use these questions in any inductive Bible Study to intergrate your faith and role as a nurse.

 What attributes do you appreciate about God in this passage of Scripture? Which of these attributes do you want to reflect in your nursing practice?

 Is there a promise to claim that encourages you in your nursing role?

 What do you learn about caring, compassion or mercy? How can you integrate what you learn in your daily life as a nursing student or nurse?

 What do you learn about yourself as a person created in the image of God? How does this impact the way you care for others?

 How can you apply the main point of this Bible passage to interactions with your peers, colleagues or patients?

 What does this text say to you about how Christian nurses are to act, speak and work? Is God asking you to make a change in your actions or speech?

 How does this passage offer insight about a problem or challenge you are facing in nursing school or in your nursing role right now?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Bad Girls of the Bible Weekly Outline

Feb 1 2015           Week 1  All About Eve: The First Bad Girl

Feb 8 2015           Week 2 Bored to Distraction: Potiphar’s Wife

Feb 15 2015         Week 3 Pillar of the Community: Lot’s Wife

Feb 22 2015         Week 4 Dying for a Drink: The Woman at the Well

Mar 1 2015          Week 5 The First Cut is Deepest: Delilah

Mar 8 2015          Week 6 Generous to a Fault: Sapphira

Mar 15 2015        Week 7 Knocking on Heaven’s Door: Rahab

Mar 22 2015        Week 8 Friends in Low Places: Jezebel

Mar 29 2015        Week 9 Out of Step: Michal

Apr 5 2015           Week 10 I Beg Your Pardon: The Sinful Woman

Monday, January 19, 2015



CONFIDENTIALITY: Anything shared in this group is not to be repeated outside of the group. Please respect anyone who are transparent with their testimonies. Be assured that only members of this group can see your responses.

NON-DENOMINATIONAL: Within this group , there will be different doctrines, Bible translations and theologies. This is a place if you disagree, you will do is respectfully, rather than judging one another. This will help us all to grow and understand different viewpoints. It is okay to question and see things differently, however I ask you to be kind and sensitive to the feelings of others.

BIBLE TRANSLATIONS: There are so many translations of the Bible out there. You are welcome to use the translation of your choice. I encourage you to explore parallel translations to get the most from this study. You can use an on-line program so that you don’t have to spend $$$$.  Here are some sites you can use: BibleGateway, YouVersion, BlueLetterBible… ( I won’t tell you how many translations I have)

ACCOUNTABILITY: I encourage you to find an accountability partner to pray for you and keep you on track.

PARTICPATION: If you want to get the most out of this study, participation is required. Respond to the discussion questions will not only help you grow, but it can help others grow too.

My Personal Bible Study Tips

I am not sure how many of you are accustomed to BibleStudies, but I thought I would share my tips. First, it is OK to write in yourBible.  In fact, I got me a JournalingBible about a month ago, just so I could have room to write next to verses. Ialso have been using a journal in the past. Any composition book will do.  When writing in you Bible, I found crayola pencils work well for highlighting. They don’t bleed through the pages.Also different color pens, for underlining or commenting,  as long as they are ball point pens not gel.

I use the S.O.A.P. method, when I study. How appropriate for a nurse. I don’t know if any ofyou are old enough to remember S.O.A.P charting.. Well, Belinda and Jodi will.Any way..

S. Scripture.. I write down scripture that speaks to me
O. Observation. What is that scripture saying
A. Application. How can I apply it to my life. 
P. Pray. Pray about it ( I write my prayer so I can repeat it as often as needed)